Speaking of kids in cages – IOTW Report

Speaking of kids in cages

Our kids are being put in cages, by the Plandemic.

This is absurd.

ht/ jerry manderin

25 Comments on Speaking of kids in cages

  1. The school has built an environment where the kids wear a mask 100% of the time. Since they obviously can’t wear a mask playing instruments, the goofs have come up with this. Imagine the cafeteria is the exact same.

    This is child abuse. Kids thrive on physical contact and they are being deprived of it.

    I blame the fat ass pussyfoot teachers who have been led to believe they will certainly die from the coof. They are going off information from unscientific politicians, media, and a doctor who hasn’t seen a patient in over 30 years. I blame them too.

    A life with zero risk is a life I don’t want to live.

  2. If idiots didn’t act like idiots, they (prolly) wouldn’t be idiots.
    Now everyone is trying to out-idiot all the other idiots.

    It’s a fukkin hoax, people – just like Globaloney Climate Change – and the recent “election.”

    But maintain the pretense, by all means.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m surprised my kid’s band teacher has not done this—yet. He has been the most corona crazy of all. Spent half the year out getting Covid tests so far. He was the first to double mask. My kids have learned a new vocabulary word this year to describe all the rules: asinine. They live it. Sounds like a bad word but they can use it in class and they get to sound smart.

  4. Come on mothers throughout the land
    Pack your boys off to Public Schools
    Come on fathers, don’t hesitate
    Send your sons off before it’s too late
    And you can be the first ones on your block
    To have your boy come home in a box


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