Speaking of San Francisco – IOTW Report

Speaking of San Francisco

Via- woodstermangotwood.blogspot.com

ht/ Bubba

6 Comments on Speaking of San Francisco

  1. Nancy iz my shepherd, I shall not want. She maketh me to lie down with Chelsea Manning. She leadeth me toward still voting booths. She restoreth my welfare. She leadeth me down the path of voter fraud and corruption for her name’ sake.
 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Bella Pelosi, I will fear no evil, for thy Illegal Alien Squatters art with me.
 Thy propaganda comforts me. Thou annointest my head with bullshit. 
Forgive us for our emissions, lead us not into prosperity and deliver us from climate denial. Surely more entitlement programs and government intervention shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the Democratic Peoples Republic forever and ever.
    Put yer hand on the map (right over Venezuela) and say Amen sister!

  2. Democrats are no longer fighting to share the wealth,they are now pushing to share the filth.

    Compassionate progressive/socialist democrats, since you are unable to travel to the world’s shit hole countries, they have brought their residents here to create our own shit hole.

  3. I don’t know, that cartoon is a good start, but the “homeless” camp is entirely too clean looking. That picture looks more like your standard Black Friday camp-out at a Target or Best Buy. It needs more filth to be convincing.

  4. I spent a lot of time on the farm when I was a kid and learned to watch were I was stepping. It seems that the people of San Fran are now getting that same education.

  5. The false premise that California is based upon is that ‘Political Correctness’ and ‘Equality’ are GOOD things.

    They are not.

    They all lead to stagnation, coercion, and statist imposed submission.


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