Here is an anecdote relayed to me by C. Steven Tucker from Laura Ingraham’s new book.
Who is the Trump supporter?
My favorite paragraph from Laura Ingraham’s new book “Billionaire at the Barricades” recounts Laura’s chance meeting of a Korean veteran outside of Donald Trump’s rally in Leesberg, Virginia on a cold Sunday evening on Nov. 6, 2016. It reads…
“I began walking back along the line of what security told me was as many as 15,000 people who hoped to catch a glimpse of Trump. Walking back towards the bus, I came across a man in a mechanized wheelchair, wearing a Korean War baseball cap, bundled up in an old down jacket, with a red U.S. Marine blanket over his legs. He told me about his home in rural Virginia and how life had changed there (not for the better), how he lost his beloved wife months earlier – and how hard she had prayed that Trump would win. I offered to bring him up to the front of the impossibly long line. ‘Appreciate it, ma’am,’ he said without his breaking his gaze toward the pavilion ahead. ‘But where I come from, people don’t cut in line.”
… just beautiful.
A man you would like to know.
Every day, with every new story like this, my heart is healing from too many years of having to listen to cynical, anti-American creeps bashing our phenomenal country. I truly believe we are living in the rebirth of not just a national but a global reawakening to all that is good, true and beautiful about the idea behind America. It will no longer be fashionable to blame this nation for the ills of the world.
A man like my father.
I gave up on 50+ years of watching the NFL. Oddly, I hope their insanity continues. The American people are waking up to the fact that everything the left touches,or infuses itself in, turns tio shit.
This man reflects the America I grew up in and desperately pray for its return.
Sara B–my Dad too! For this and many other reasons, I love the military.
From AA: ” It will no longer be fashionable to blame this nation for the ills of the world.”
Dear, going to ask something of you. Think for a moment of the pains, the stupidities, the illegal acts our government has inflicted on their own citizens. We do ugly things elsewhere.
We have troops in Afghanistan to guard poppy fields from the Taliban. You know what they make from that crop.
I can hear my father’s voice while reading that.
For those from his generation the country took a far left turn and left them behind. He’s got a few years on me, but I was raised the same way and one day looked around and realized the democrats had turned into full commies and republicans were to the far left of the old democrats. Hell JFK I think was to the far right of the majority of Republicans in D.C.
I say it all the time and mean every word of it, I’d give up internet, cell phones, cable tv, etc. in a heartbeat if the clock was turned back. As a woman I’d even give up my right to vote to have the country I once knew and even better the country my grandparents knew.
I think every time the left says so and so is trying to take us back to the fifties, “is that supposed to sound like a bad thing?”
Lowell — That’s why I was careful to say “the idea behind America.” It’s still the best idea. Our gov’t is still desperately clinging to the hope they can continue their evil ways, but I don’t think of them as The People. The People will change the gov’t, and soon.
My WII Dad was also like this fine American
Thank you, that’s refreshing.
What’s noteworthy is this man is not the exception but the typical of that generation.
The best thing about the descent to hell of entertainment in general is it’s got me reacquainted with the old workshop and building/fixing things again.