Speaking Truth to Power While Still Voting For the Powerful – IOTW Report

Speaking Truth to Power While Still Voting For the Powerful

Adam Davidson of NPR’s Planet Money has moderated a few events for the Clinton Global Initiative and now accuses the organization of being “all about buying access.”

He states that the CGI events all gave him “a real creepy vibe” and “it just feels like the worst version of an elite selling access to the aspirational, creating the theatre of doing good, but it’s all about something else. It really feels gross.”

Despite all that Simpson has seen with his own eyes he says this-

“Obviously, I fully support Hillary Clinton. I can’t wait to vote for her.”



9 Comments on Speaking Truth to Power While Still Voting For the Powerful

  1. Davidson’s a textbook example of a practitioner of doublethink, a term coined by George Orwell in 1984, meaning (according to the OED),

    The mental capacity to accept as equally valid two entirely contrary opinions or beliefs.

  2. And if Hillary ever gets indicted he’ll say “see, I told you she was crooked.” But if she gets elected he’ll proudly proclaim that he voted for her.

    Eye sore here is trying to have it both ways and should end up f*ing himself.

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