Special Counsel Investigation Wisconsin’s 2020 Election Blankets the State with Subpoenas – IOTW Report

Special Counsel Investigation Wisconsin’s 2020 Election Blankets the State with Subpoenas

Western Journal

The investigation into Wisconsin’s elections is still ongoing as special counsel Michael Gableman continues looking into how voting in the state was carried out in the 2020 general election.

Gableman is now issuing about 70 subpoenas to state entities and employees, special interest groups, private companies, mayoral staffers and IT departments, throughout Wisconsin to obtain records, depositions and more information on the election process and organizations that seem to have had a hand in the administration of elections. More

5 Comments on Special Counsel Investigation Wisconsin’s 2020 Election Blankets the State with Subpoenas

  1. Just like the Rona’ fiasco the truth will come out about all of the fraud a year and a half too late. The bright spot is the state governments might actually do something about it while at the federal level no one will be held accountable for the Corona 19 medical disasters and long term effects of all the wrong calls made based on politics. They will just take there lumps in 2022 and change the subject uniparty style. *sigh*



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