Special Counsel Mueller asks for Another Delay in Flynn Sentencing – Judge Sullivan Appears Annoyed – IOTW Report

Special Counsel Mueller asks for Another Delay in Flynn Sentencing – Judge Sullivan Appears Annoyed

CTH: Special Counsel Robert Mueller has asked for yet another delay in the sentencing of former National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn.

The Friday filing indicates the Special Counsel requests the court to begin preparation of a pre-sentencing report. Lawyers for both sides proposed a status update of Aug. 24th.

However, later, in a minute-order, Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered the parties to explain by noon Monday July 2nd, the reason why the Court should depart from the normal practice of getting all the sentencing issues/dates done at the same time.  more

16 Comments on Special Counsel Mueller asks for Another Delay in Flynn Sentencing – Judge Sullivan Appears Annoyed

  1. @ Tony – WHAT exact crime would Flynn have committed to be pardoned for to begin with?

    IOW What was he charged with?
    Who interviewed him and when?
    WHY was he targeted? Hussien critiscism?
    Where was he interrogated?
    When, lastly, why two weeks after POTUS nominated him?

  2. ghost, Flynn pled guilty to lying to fbi agents. Even the fbi agents do not think they were lied to. Due to the expense of fighting the charges, and the fact that mueller was threatening to drag his family into this caused him to plead guilty and put a stop to the railroading of him and his family. His name needs to be cleared and he needs to be made whole, financially.

  3. @ JoeSIXP – I FULLY agree…So did Martha Stewart.

    We are talking about PURE INTIMIDATION.

    NOT at the Martha Stewart level but the DEEP STATE Swamp PLUGGED below, waaay below level.

    We need a pump! With major Horse POWER.

    POTUS as drain cleaner.

    POTUS is holding the hose…draining away.


  4. All,

    Flynn was the MAN of intelligence in the Obama era so he had to be PURGED.

    ‘He was appointed by President Barack Obama as the eighteenth director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, serving from July 2012 until his forced retirement from the military in August 2014’ – Wiki

    Why was he FORCED?

    What did he know about Hussein?

    Hussein knew a thing or two about how to PURGE WITH POWER.

    BUT, think about it, THEN DJT hired the guy?

    Then the Deep state and media said TORO TORO TORO!


  5. @scr_north- there is no plea because there is no case to begin with! Where is the fabricated crime?

    Mueller is trying to figure out how to get out of the box he finds himSELF IN…


  6. Somebody posed an interesting question today to Greg Jarrett: If Trump had lost, would they have him indicted already for this Russia bullshit, just to make an example of him for anyone who might think of challenging the deep state? I think they would, and Mueller’s zombie investigation would be much further along in the railroading and show trials.

    This only makes me respect Trump even more. Many of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence saw their lives and fortunes ruined by the British. And that was the price of victory. I shudder to think of the personal cost to Trump in defeat. His opponents are truly ruthless and amoral in their pursuit of complete control.

  7. They may have a plan in progress to take down these traitors but they’re playing with matches on the timeline. Anything can happen at anytime to shift things completely including this fall’s election. Waiting for every “T” to be crossed and “I” dotted risks having everything come to a halt and these scum slipping the noose. Bring charges now and put them back on their heels and worry about the details later. They need to be rooted out ASAP. There’s enough out there now to tie these creeps up in a legal tangle forever. Once a few of the main characters are snapped up the whole dam will break. Sessions needs to get off his ass or get out for the sake of the nation.


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