‘Special place in hell’ for women who don’t support Hillary – IOTW Report

‘Special place in hell’ for women who don’t support Hillary

AmericanMirror: Democratic women are issuing every threat imaginable in their effort to save Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in New Hampshire.

madeline albright

[Madeleine ‘ Hey, I thought she was already dead’ Albright]

During an appearance with the candidate Saturday afternoon, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright warned women of dire consequences if they don’t support her preferred candidate.  more

26 Comments on ‘Special place in hell’ for women who don’t support Hillary

  1. There’s a very special place in Hell for Albright and monsters like her who believe that the death of a half million children was “worth it” in order to change Iraq from an oppressive secular militarist regime into an oppressive islamist jihadist regime.

  2. What is it about socialists that they try to put everything in terms of sex?

    Vote HRC cuz she (?) has a vagina?
    Don’t vote for Trump cuz he’s a dick?
    Vote for CHEB! cuz he’s a pussy?
    A vote for Bernie is a vote for BS?
    (OK, the last one’s scatological … so sue me – course, shit is a big component of homosexual sex …)

  3. so, by that logic any man that votes for a woman is going to a ‘special place in hell’…. gotcha
    (notice how socialists always talk about a ‘special place’?)

  4. Hell will be full of this generation’s democrats.
    Bubba and Hitlery will be hosting the big party down there.

    The party’s candidates for Preznit are a felon and a decrepit lifelong freeloader.

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