Speculation Builds Biden Administration Will Close Guantanamo – IOTW Report

Speculation Builds Biden Administration Will Close Guantanamo

Business Insider

The approved release of three detainees locked up in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for nearly two decades has raised expectations that President Joe Biden might try to close the notorious US military prison.

A high-level review board on May 17 signed off on the release of the oldest of the 40 so-called detainees still at Guantanamo, 73-year-old Pakistani businessman Saifullah Paracha, as well as two others.

Despite being arrested and secretly rendered to the US military prison on the Caribbean island between 2001 and 2003, the three were never charged — like most of the others still there. More

Some republican senators are getting ink now “urging” Biden not to release Guantanamo prisoners into the US. Here

15 Comments on Speculation Builds Biden Administration Will Close Guantanamo

  1. Uh uh uh.
    Meet me at the bar and I’ll buy the drinks.

    Of course, on the bright side, Barack Hussein Obama promised the same for eight years but never delivered.

    But Biden fails IQ tests every 20 minutes.
    He has always been a stupid man. And he didn’t win the election, just by the way.

  2. I hate to repeat myself, but I am shocked!!
    Same playbook, different day.

    Ignore the real threats, and I can see two leading: liberalism/communism and islamcists and their accomplices.

    On a side note, the grammarly said I should have capitalized “islamicists”. Not going to happen. They are a pimple on the a$$ of freedom, though larger than a pimple, so should use something closer like … CANCER!!

  3. Guantanamo Bay Goat Packers.

    Unis are White, Brown & Yellow so they don’t get Front & Back messed up.

    Logo is obviously a male Goat & the Stadium combo is camel Piss & Hot Yogurt on a flat bread.


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