Speculation is that Fat Boy has Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Speculation is that Fat Boy has Coronavirus

OANN Reports “Gravely Ill” Kim Jong Un Has Contracted Coronavirus

Wayne Dupree-

OANN reporter Jack Posobiec says that conservative cable news network had heard from multiple US officials that North Korea leader Kim Jon un has Coronavirus.

It was reported that Jong un had complications due to heart surgery and that he was in “grave danger.”

Many speculated that he would not live.


25 Comments on Speculation is that Fat Boy has Coronavirus

  1. I’ve been told he’s not only obese but also a heavy smoker and gets little physical exercise.

    With those factors considered he’s at an age where it wouldn’t need coronavirus to hospitalize him and maybe kill him too, he’s on the verge of it as is.

  2. I don’t want him to die.
    If he dies some other crazy bastard way up in the hierarchy will be installed as regent for the children of Kim, and they will prolly be a wild eyed China puppet who can be directed to torment the USA by being intractable and ramping up the aggression.

  3. No matter what kills him the NYT’s and the WAPO and C,N & N MUST report that it was WuFlu whot done ‘im in. And then blame POTUS Trump for destabilizing relations with NOKO.

  4. @Anonymous “I’ve been told he’s not only obese but also a heavy smoker and gets little physical exercise.” He get plenty of exercise by POINTING AT STUFF! 🙂


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