SPLC president Richard Cohen resigns – IOTW Report

SPLC president Richard Cohen resigns

DC: Southern Poverty Law Center president Richard Cohen resigned Friday, in the latest blow to the embattled left-wing nonprofit.

Cohen’s resignation came nine days after the SPLC fired co-founder Morris Dees on March 13, citing unspecified conduct issues.

Cohen announced his resignation in a staff-wide email Friday evening, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“Whatever problems exist at the SPLC happened on my watch, so I take responsibility for them,” Cohen’s email read, according to the Times.

Current and former SPLC employees have accused the organization of turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and racial discrimination within its own ranks.

Cohen took responsibility for unspecified “problems” at the SPLC in a statement released to the Montgomery Advertiser.

Cohen asked the SPLC’s board “to immediately launch a search for an interim president in order to give the organization the best chance to heal,” according to the Advertiser.  more here

8 Comments on SPLC president Richard Cohen resigns

  1. The SPLC, purporting to be an anti hatred organization, has become one itself.

    As Dylan said: ” In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
    At the mongrel dogs who teach
    Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
    In the instant that I preach”

  2. Cohen asked the SPLC’s board “to immediately launch a search for an interim president in order to give the organization the best chance to heal,” according to the Advertiser.

    Heal, you don’t heal a gangrenous limb, you cut the nasty, septic thing off, as soon as possible.
    The only heel here, the two founders, as they founder.

  3. It seems odd that a “Poverty Center” would need to park millions of $$ in off-shore bank accounts. Maybe the NY AG’s time would be better spent investigating the SPLC than anybody that has been within a few feet of somebody named Trump.

  4. Two leftist Jews looting a charity. Who’da figured. (I am Jewish – and I’ll be the first one to call out the likes of these scumbags, sanders, streisand, maddoff, weinstein and the like).

    We expect so-called moderate muslims to do the same on their side.

  5. According to the NAAWP, the future status of the SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW SINNER is in grave jeopardy. Accusations against the SPLC consist of sexual harassment, racial discrimination, money laundering, tax evasion, public corruption and defamation of Patriot, Tea Party and Christian Organizations, as well as, numerous private citizens. The SPLC was successful sued back in June of 2018, and reached a settlement of 3.375 million dollars with Maajid Nawaz for falsely defaming his advocacy organization of being a Anti-Muslim Hate Group.

    In 2019, the SPLC is facing dozens of lawsuits by Patriot, Tea Party, Christian Groups, as well as, numerous private individuals for defamation and providing false and misleading information to the Obama Administration Officials, the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA, the DHS and the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE! The big question is, “Can the SPLC survive this onslaught. The NAAWP is encouraging American Patriots, Tea Party and Christian Groups Members to pray for the demise of the SPLC! NAAWP updates on the SPLC and many other important topics can be found on both FACEBOOK and MEWE, listed under the “NAAWP”!

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