Spot The Difference: Two Governors Reopened Their States, Only One Was Accused of ‘Human Sacrifice’ – IOTW Report

Spot The Difference: Two Governors Reopened Their States, Only One Was Accused of ‘Human Sacrifice’

WFB: The governors of Georgia and Colorado have at least one thing in common. They both took steps to reopen their states’ economies in late April amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. But for some reason, the media’s coverage of Gov. Brian Kemp (R., Ga.) has been slightly different from the media’s coverage of Gov. Jared Polis (D., Colo.).

Kemp, for example, has been accused of experimenting with “human sacrifice.” So reads the headline of an April 29 article published in the Atlantic, which accuses Kemp of turning Georgia residents into “unwilling canaries in an invisible coal mine, sent to find out just how many individuals need to lose their job or their life for a state to work through a plague.”

In a brief aside, the article acknowledges that some other states, including Colorado, “have already put similar plans in motion.” Polis, for some reason, is not identified as an accomplice in Kemp’s murder scheme. more

10 Comments on Spot The Difference: Two Governors Reopened Their States, Only One Was Accused of ‘Human Sacrifice’

  1. Colorado’s faggot governor (Jared Polis) has bitch slapped any that defied his closure orders (A coffee shop in Castle Rock, A winery restaurant in Lone Tree and Shooters bar and cafe in Rifle. Remember her? the open carry bar and cafe gal?)…..He then got on his hands and knees to beg Elon Musk to move Tesla to Colorado and open up for bidness…..Hypicritical faggots are much worse then regular faggots because they are more dishonest….This guy is a faggot tyrant in the making. Watch for his push to be Potus in 2024/2028….

  2. In CO most places were still closed until recently, cities kept closures longer, masks are required everywhere etc. Polis has political aspirations and clearly is trying to play both roles – reasonable gov and tyrannical fascist.

  3. “Polis, for some reason, is not identified as an accomplice…”

    For some reason??? Christ on a crutch. He’s a REgressive taking it up the ass from his “husband” in the Governor’s Mansion, that’s why.

    Either one would be enough for a Get Out Of Jail Free card. Having 2 boxes checked is even better, almost negates his being white.

    What has happened in CO is EXACTLY the course Texas is on. It’ll slow down a bit down because of the Chinese Flu bullshit but bet your ass, it will happen.

  4. willysgoatgruff
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 11:22 AM
    “…Watch for his push to be Potus in 2024/2028….”

    …I sincerely hope the dogs have hunted out the last of the Democrats by then…

  5. Polis is a worthless Governor and a total authoritarian who has threatened anyone who tries to reopen their business. He is a fear monger. He encourages virtue signaling and public shaming at those of us who will not mask up. Watch out if this political thug starts thinking about a 2024 run.

  6. @WGG

    I’d say he’s a tad over-emotional…perfectly natural queer behavior. I’m surprised he didn’t stamp his feet and threaten to hold his breath.

    If anyone had said that to his face, he’d probably call the LGBTXYZ speech police.

    Stinkin’ faggot.


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