Spotlight on a dumbbell [who is pretty representative of the entire left] – IOTW Report

Spotlight on a dumbbell [who is pretty representative of the entire left]

37 Comments on Spotlight on a dumbbell [who is pretty representative of the entire left]

  1. And now I lay me down to sleep,
    And pray The Lord my soul to keep,
    And should I die before I wake.
    I pray the Lord will rid the Earth of
    these stupid motherfuckers.

  2. My parents wonder why I live in Texas… And yet… I can find these people in Austin if I wander downtown. Their eyes glazed over, the same bloodshot daze… The air thick of burning rope.

    I always chuckle when I make that rope connection…

  3. Who else but a gay guy would wear pink glasses? They literally suck. I’ve worn glasses for most of my life and never ever even on Prank Day or Opposite Day would ever even think of wearing pink glasses. I don’t even think that I have ever seen a girl wearing pink glasses either. Does he chew pink bubblegum also? Or drive a Pink VW Beetle or a Pink Smart car or a pink Prius or ride a pink girl’s bike? Or like the VW Beetle I saw earlier today that had long eyelashes overs its headlights.

  4. @Odin. It didn’t used to be. At least on cape Cod early 90s. Mostly sensible people. But then the Bostonians came. Just like Vermont. When the hippie Yawkers came. They burn crops, rape the women, enslave and brainwash the children, and are self righteous about it. Shit. They’re smug assholes about it and self righteously chide you about taking your dog on the beach on unapproved days even if you bag their poop. Last time on the Cape was my last time on the cape. I love that place and have many fond memories and misadventures there.

    But no. Not going back.

  5. I interrupt this story to bring you a story I just read (8.15) in the Saturday New York Post. A man from New City New York drove to work yesterday to the VA Hospital at Kingsbridge Road in the Bronx, NY. I go there often.
    This guy went to work a 8am and got off at 4pm. When he got back to his car he found his one year old twin babies dead in the back seat of his car. He didn’t know they were there. He’s a Social Worker at the VA. End of story. Back to regular posting.
    My heart is broken at the thought. We, as a Nation, are going down the drain.

  6. I can’t play any twitter media, I was kicked off over a year ago. But seeing a picture of this pink fag-boy is enough to know what he stands for.

    Queers just suck. They are dragging all of us down. They insist we all accept their evil, that now means pederasty and child sexual abuse. I don’t care if a queer calls himself a conservative. They are all just effed up mentally and spiritually.

    Do humans even have a chance to reverse the evil, or will God have to rain down fire and brimstone on us, end it all, and start over again?

  7. PHenry. It’s a horrible story. Fucking unbelievably stupid. I don’t need a tu for it. I just want you to be aware of it. You won’t see much of it in the media ’cause, you know, the guy is a minority

  8. I ‘member Cape “Cad” back in the 80’s when I took my platoon to Provincetown on a break from a military exercise at Camp Edwards. We went into this lesbian shop and bought peace signs to put on our helmets. 😃 The shop owners hated every minute of our mockery. Artillery messed up and dropped a shell on the main highway.

    Went to the Cape a lot. Took my first photos that I processed myself on a beach in North Truro when I was 11. Good times. I prefer OBX now.

  9. Moe Tom. I just heard about this story on my local news a couple of hours ago. How could he have not known that his twin boys were in the car when he went to work and then forgot about them till he was going home. Could he not afford a baby sitter or day care or doesn’t he have any one else to watch the kids while he’s at work. From what I heard the father will be charged with 2 counts of negligent homicide. Let’s hope he never has any more kids, those 2 innocent little boys didn’t deserve to die that way because of their father’s total neglect.

  10. Oh. I lived well away from P’town.

    I’ve always found it peculiar that homosexuals congregate and establish communities on promontories.
    The tips of cape cod, the Florida keys, and San Francisco bay.
    Geographical assemblage in such obscure remote and peculiar places is rather queer, i would l say.

  11. Nope! Ain’t gonna watch that.

    And Moe Tom that story makes any normal human (if there is such a thing anymore) nauseous. My two are twins and I find it impossible to comprehend how a parent can do this until I remember TWO (2) videos. The one where the buffalo drops the kid to attack another Wildebeest and the one where the sheboon actually uses the child to strike her adversary. Expect we’ll see this one as a thread…


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