Here’s our idiot of the moment, a writer for the Daily Emerald, University of Oregon.

The false narrative of the conservative minority.

The narrative of the minority conservative has plagued the news lately. A recent article published by The Hill claims that reality TV star Roseanne Barr is bringing conservative women “out of the closet,” a phrase reserved for queer or trans people. Conservatives are considered “minorities” on many U.S. college campuses. But these stories have a misconstrued understanding of what a minority is, and inappropriately use language associated with marginalized communities.

You have the flavor?

She’s objecting to the use of the word “minority” to describe conservatives, even when they are the smaller group of a whole- like on the campus of her university, because the word “minority” is now owned by others, people she prefers.

These words and connotations bring to light the hardships that marginalized communities actually face and highlight the power dynamics involved. We face institutionalized discrimination at the hands of those in power, whether it comes to the pay gaphigher rates of incarceration or the right to marry (which was ruled on only three years ago). I have yet to hear any statistics about conservatives being faced with increased rates of police brutality or being tried and sentenced as adults in court despite being 16 years old.

Uhhh, Jadyn. I hate to break this to you after all the work you put into writing your diatribe, but there are female, and black, and gay, and trans, and Mexican, and Muslim (you get the idea) conservatives. So, your essay is asinine.

Let’s punctuate how stupid you are with this —

… the Republican party currently has control of all three branches of government. Conservatives do not suffer at the hands of the government, because the government is on their side.

Most people do not like to be yelled at. But having slurs hurled at you because of the color of your skin or your sexuality — things you cannot change — is very different than being yelled at because you proudly align with a party or a candidate that has blatantly racist, sexist and elitist policies, to name a few issues.

You can fisk this dope in the comments.




  1. “out of the closet,” a phrase reserved for queer or trans people…”

    I guess each fringe group of the Dem coalition gets its own reservation. But they don’t realize that the price of keeping us off their reservations is that they can never leave them.

  2. Just more of the ‘if you aren’t one of us in thought, we have every right to criticize and destroy you’. But republicans/conservatives are the sexist, racist, and elitist party. These imbeciles just don’t understand how much they are helping the counter culture to their insanity particularly if Kayne and others start refusing to be party to living in the prisons liberals construct for the minorities they proclaim to love and support.

  3. This all started when people, who I have discerned to be anything other than happy, misappropriated the word gay.
    They have been telling us what words mean ever since.

  4. candidate that has blatantly racist, sexist and elitist policies, to name a few issues.

    Please provide one example. Not because Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi or Bill Mahr or Don Lemmon said so. Give a real concrete example. Let’s be REAL. I’ll stay here…. waiting… forever.

    Now because she can’t come up with a real concrete example, I’ll be waiting for her to apologize for outright defamation. Make the cunt apologize.

  5. “I have yet to hear any statistics about conservatives being faced with increased rates of police brutality or being tried and sentenced as adults in court despite being 16 years old.”

    I have yet to hear any statistics about conservatives committing the brutal, stupid, mindless crimes the liberals/Democrats/minorities commit.

  6. Diogenes

    That’s what the Obama years were all about. The redistribution wasn’t about just wealth. It gave the retarded in society a platform. It’s going to take a while to beat them back into the cracks and crevice of society that they crawled out of.

  7. “Her hobbies include consuming excessive amounts of iced coffee, playing ukulele and memorizing the Constitution.”

    It’s not the Koran, if you don’t know what it says after two readings, you have wasted your tuition money.


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