Spotlight on Hasan Piker – Exposure is His Enemy – IOTW Report

Spotlight on Hasan Piker – Exposure is His Enemy

This Young Turk dope is a HORRIBLE debater.

Charlie Kirk takes him apart in this debate.

16 Comments on Spotlight on Hasan Piker – Exposure is His Enemy

  1. This clown just keeps throwing canards and straw man arguments. And of course the voice gets louder when challenged. He’s really just pathetic and nothing formidable about his debate skills what so ever.

  2. Chuckie agrees that Richard Spencer is a Nazi and shouldn’t be allowed to speak on campus ? Chuckie lost the debate right there as far as I’m concerned. Takes Piker apart? ooookaaay

  3. I couldn’t help but notice that the lying leftist moderator sucked. he claimed he was in the middle and he was obviously not.
    Charlie Kirk should have understood that and handled the debate better. He let the other guy control the dialogue.

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