Squatters take over multimillion-dollar in Washington State home, police say hands are tied – IOTW Report

Squatters take over multimillion-dollar in Washington State home, police say hands are tied


The homeowner lives overseas, but a few people living locally help maintain the home with routine checkups. One of those workers stopped by the home and found 12 guns, bulletproof vests, more than 15,000 fentanyl pills, heroin, meth, and over $40,000 in cash.

The worker called 911 and police arrived on scene.

“As we were beginning to take a look at our next steps, an unlicensed motorcycle showed up with two people on it,” Pingrey said.

Neighbors identified the two people as the squatters and both were arrested for burglary, according to Pingrey. Both were out of jail within days and headed back to the home, bringing more people with them.

“After they were out of jail, we had a large group trying to get back into the house,” Pingrey said. “No one was supposed to be there. The homeowners were not allowing anyone to stay there.”

Taking the advice of local prosecutors and lawyers, Pingrey said law enforcement is limited in what they can do. His frustrations hit a boiling point when the squatters demanded to be allowed to take property inside the home with them. Pingrey said, legally, his hands were tied and officers conducted a “civil standby.”


26 Comments on Squatters take over multimillion-dollar in Washington State home, police say hands are tied

  1. This makes no sense. They committed burglary, vandalism, theft and drug possession, and should not have been permitted to remove any personal property from the house unless they could prove it belonged to them.

    Who and what “tied” the police chief’s hands?

  2. In the People’s Republic of Washington, squatters have more rights than homeowners. I know this from personal experience, having great difficulty evicting my son’s girlfriend who had, unbeknownst to me, had her address changed to mine and was sneaking and spending the night. The squatters “rights” issue is one of several reasons I moved to North Idaho in 2015.

    Nota bene: If you live in the PRW, be very careful who you allow into your home.

  3. I come home to find a bunch of BUMS trespassing on my property and inside my home, I’m going to shoot every last one of em in self defense.

    Fuck calling the police to take away the bodies. We got gator filled canals for that.

    They are not “homeless” they are BUMS.

  4. Know how I can tell it ain’t in Texas?…

    I’d report all the drugs, but there wouldn’t be any cash, guns, ammo, or vests. They, possibly, traded them for their lives.

    Possibly. If you can find them, you can ask them.

  5. If you own a multi million buck home you should also have the kind of cash & shit that can not be traced so that you can pay the “Types” that would go in there at night and beat the fuckers mercilessly with not a word being said.
    You would be eating at a well lit restaurant, with uber receipts, and & Hotel bill proving you were 300 miles away having dinner right next to Guv-nah Whitmer.

    A friend had this problem. The next day he had to buy an entirely new front door and door frame. For some reason the tenant thought he was Superman and flew through the door without opening it.

    True story. I’m still laughing.

  6. My British Aunt asked me how I would handle this sort of situation which has become common in Great Britain. I told her i would contact the local Rugby team and offer beer and BarBQ when the trespassers were out. She thought that might work since it didn’t involve shooting anyone.

  7. “…police say hands are tied”

    …funny how their hands are never tied when it comes to protecting abortion abattoirs, seizing legally held firearms, locking up churches over illegal covid restrictions, arresting people who try to defend themselves and their homes against rioters, or mercilessly tracking down and harassing every single person who dared to be in the Capitol the day their Nation was officially stolen…

  8. Officer, they all attacked me and I just happened to have my High Standard 12 gauge riot gun with me along with a huge pouch of shells. I feared for my life and blasted them to pieces.

  9. Why didn’t the cops ask for receipts? Especially for that ATM! lol
    And since that house had fentanyl, heroin, and meth, are the owners going to be legally responsible for cleaning up the contamination? Or is the county going to BLM them and say, ‘it’s okay, thas why they got dat inshuuurince.’

    When I lived in CA, they would sometimes have to destroy meth houses. If they cleaned them up, they had to legally tell the new buyer it was a meth lab. Could you imagine?


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