St. Louis Aldermen Want to Allow Homeless to Relieve Themselves on Their City – IOTW Report

St. Louis Aldermen Want to Allow Homeless to Relieve Themselves on Their City

Post Dispatch

Legislation to expand the rights of homeless people — including a provision exempting them from the city’s law against urinating and defecating in public — was introduced Friday at the Board of Aldermen.

The sponsor, Alderwoman Alisha Sonnier of Tower Grove East, and Aldermanic President Megan Green asserted that the exemption was needed because police had targeted the unhoused with selective enforcement.

“After every sporting event, after Mardi Gras, we see (other) people engaging in public urination,” Green said at a news conference after the board meeting. “But … enforcing those laws against that segment of the population is not the same as the enforcement we see against our unhoused population.” More

24 Comments on St. Louis Aldermen Want to Allow Homeless to Relieve Themselves on Their City

  1. Donate Uber rides to the homeless so they can end up in front of these alderpersons’ homes and “go to town” so to speak. Then we’ll see this nonsense end real quick.

  2. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    SUNDAY, 8 OCTOBER 2023, 12:19 AT 12:19 PM
    When voting, remember that progressives do not solve problems; they a̶c̶c̶o̶m̶o̶d̶a̶t̶e̶ CAUSE them.

  3. Shitty idea.
    Replace sewer manhole covers with outhouses or plumb outhouses straight to the sewers.
    The water necessary would be considerably less expensive than the clean up.
    They would all have to be equipped with the blue lights, so they can find the vein.

  4. Perhaps create incentives for people to stop living on street would be a better approach rather than trying to make it easier for them to live lower than animals.

  5. Anonymous Sunday, 8 October 2023, 12:16 at 12:16 pm

    What starts in San Francisco spreads everywhere.

    Everyday I watch a video put out by Florida’s Sheriff Grady. He loves putting pictures up of all the criminals he’s arrested for one thing or another. Just had a big pedophile sting in Florida, that’s been going on in Florida for years. Chris Hansen “To Catch a Predator,” he loved doing his shows from Florida – lots of military and clergy arrested. Wherever you go there you are.

  6. Just to be clear, if I move out of my apartment it’s ok to take a big old dump on the Alderman’s fromt porch? Cool! Will he provide toilet paper, or do I need to bring my own?

  7. every alder-clown should have 2 elevated thrones installed, each with a trough. one trough should empty out on their desk & the other on the front step of their residence. that should piss ’em off.

  8. All that shit ends up, untreated, into the Mississippi River. Every city downstream from St. Louis should sue them under the clean water act. I am so fed up with these “homeless advocate” communists.

  9. Rather than befoul the public thoroughfares with excitement and urine – generally lowering standards of decency, and humiliating the “unhoused” – why not design, erect and fund public toilets?

  10. Does St. Louis have a health department? Wouldn’t that be kind of a violation of basic sanitation?
    Is this geek aware of how disease-ridden human waste can be?
    Especially from people who aren’t healthy to begin with, drug users, alcoholics, etc .

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