St. Louis Board of Aldermen President, 2 others indicted by federal grand jury – IOTW Report

St. Louis Board of Aldermen President, 2 others indicted by federal grand jury

ST. LOUIS, Mo. (KMOV) – Three people, including the St. Louis Board of Aldermen President, have been indicted by a federal grand jury on corruption charges.

The indictment was unsealed Thursday against Board of Alderman President Lewis Reed, 22nd Ward Alderman Jeffrey Boyd and recently resigned 21st Ward Alderman John Collins-Muhammad. They are all accused of getting substantial and numerous cash payments in exchange for political favors and land deals.

The indictment details their alleged involvement with a “John Doe.” The alleged crimes happened from Jan. 1, 2020, to March 31, 2022. One of the properties in the mentioned indictment was in Collins-Muhammad’s ward and the other was listed as Boyd’s ward at the time.

The indictment alleges all three used their “official capacity” as Board of Aldermen members and accepted payments to assist John Doe, a small business owner. According to the charges, Collins-Muhammad and Reed helped John Doe get property tax abatement in exchange for cash bribes. Boyd allegedly also accepted cash bribes to help the same business owner obtain city-owned property for thousands of dollars less than it’s worth, and also helped John Doe to get a tax abatement for the project.

Collins-Muhammad is accused of accepting and agreeing to accept cash, campaign contributions, a car and other things of value in relation to two of John Doe’s projects and his trucking/hauling company. He also is accused of using a cellular phone with the intent of the criminal activity. He was also indicted for knowingly participating in a scheme to “defraud and deprive” the citizens in his ward, and of wire fraud. He was indicted on two bribery-related charges and one charge of honest services bribery/wire fraud more

7 Comments on St. Louis Board of Aldermen President, 2 others indicted by federal grand jury

  1. That’s not corruption that’s reparations…

    Don’t you know black folk are incapable of committing crimes because they are owed forever for slavery?

    Social justice dictates we allow all blacks to simply take what they want, do what they want, whenever they want and to whomever they wish.

    Cmon man get with the program. Don’t be a racist. Accountability is racism by another name.

  2. Three corrupt niggers… What a shocker… I totally expected them to be Christo-fascist White Supremacists like CNN told me all the bad people are these days.

  3. This is pretense to make the gullible believe that the FedGov actually DOES sometimes do something positive.

    A rare occasion, indeed, considering the plethora of corrupt politicians in the United States.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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