St. Louis Cops Demonstrate How Not To Play Russian Roulette – IOTW Report

St. Louis Cops Demonstrate How Not To Play Russian Roulette

St. Louis police officer Nathaniel Hendren, 29 was charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of fellow officer Katlyn Alix, 29. Hendren and his partner where on duty at 1:00 am with Alix in Hendren’s apartment in the Carondolet neighborhood of St. Louis.  Officer Hendren removed the bullets from a revolver, returned one chamber, spun the cylinder, pointed the gun away and pulled the trigger. The weapon did not fire.

Alix took the weapon, pointed it at Hendren and pulled the trigger. The single round failed to go off. Hendren then took  the pistol back, pointed it at Alix and shot the off- duty officer in the chest. More

Let’s see now, six chambers, one bullet, two pulls. What are the chances the weapon goes off on the third pull if you don’t re-spin the cylinder?

23 Comments on St. Louis Cops Demonstrate How Not To Play Russian Roulette

  1. After Russian roulette with revolver, I bet they would elevate the Roulette game to Semi-autos: one round in magazine, insert into pistol, point & squeeze trigger- give pistol to partner, who racks the slide, points at you and pulls trigger.

  2. OK let me add my Basic Cable drama onto this.

    1. They were having an affair. One of them wanted to break it off.
    2. They were having an affair. She told him she was pregnant.
    3. Idiots.
    4. All of the above.

  3. Hendren and his partner were also out of their assigned district when the shooting occurred. The 3rd officer isn’t named, but articles state he passed on playing Roulette with these two. He claims to have left the room when Hendren pulled the trigger the 2nd time and only returned after the shot was fired.

    There better be circumstantial evidence to back up their story.

  4. Yup. The “Russian Roulette” story is bullshit to cover premeditated murder. Gets charged with involuntary manslaughter instead of murder one. 10 years vs. life behind bars. Stinks to high heaven.

    We need to get Joe Kenda on the case.

  5. Whoever came up with that cockamamie story deserve a Darwin award. A good DA should realize he or she has two Einsteins trying to imply the victim, literally, had a hand in her own demise – lessens the charges. It may or may not be true, but there’s got to be more to the story.

    If the woman’s family has a good lawyer, the St. Louis Police Dept. should be sued – especially if the story is a lie. The two, including their plus one, were definitely involved in some kind of “relationship”.
    This may not be the last we hear about this depraved incident. Stay tuned.

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