St. Louis Couple Who Displayed Guns at BLM Protesters To Protect Themselves Have Their Records Expunged – IOTW Report

St. Louis Couple Who Displayed Guns at BLM Protesters To Protect Themselves Have Their Records Expunged


A judge has cleared the misdemeanor convictions of a St. Louis couple who displayed firearms to protect their home against Black Lives Matter protesters outside their residence in 2020.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are now seeking the return of their firearms. more

16 Comments on St. Louis Couple Who Displayed Guns at BLM Protesters To Protect Themselves Have Their Records Expunged

  1. How corrupt is a govt. that falsely arrests you and then charges you money to have the false charges from the false arrest removed from the public record (still available to govt. apparatchiks though)? Yes that is a rhetorical question. The entire system of our govt. has devolved into a scam to enrich the scum that populates govt.

  2. Uncle Al and Tim Bukto
    They will never get their guns back. The guns are in some cops personal collection or they were sold for some doughnut money.

  3. Lucky the cops didn’t kill them at the outset while protecting the looters, arsonists, and rapist BLMaggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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