St. Louis’ Kim Gardner Has Until Noon Today to Resign – IOTW Report

St. Louis’ Kim Gardner Has Until Noon Today to Resign

Fox News

The Missouri attorney general has given embattled Democratic St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner an ultimatum amid public safety outcries following a major incident over the weekend: resign or be removed.

Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican, gave Gardner “until noon tomorrow” to announce her resignation, after a motorist who repeatedly violated his bond conditions on earlier charges crashed and injured a teenage volleyball player.

“We are giving Kim Gardner until noon tomorrow to resign. If she refuses, she will face immediate removal proceedings in the form of a writ of quo warrant brought by our office,” Bailey revealed on Twitter. Details

Gateway Pundits gives a long list of particulars for why Gardner needs to be removed from office. Here

22 Comments on St. Louis’ Kim Gardner Has Until Noon Today to Resign

  1. Resign or be terminated.

    The only people this racists bitch ever charged with a crime was a white cople standing in their yard with an AR and a Pistol cause guns be bad in whiteys hands.
    She needs to lose her license.

  2. “I won’t resign. Now wha’cha gonna do?”
    “ok. Carry out the body and clean out the office.”

    (a guy can dream, can’t he?)


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