St. Louis prosecutor used politically charged McCloskeys case to raise money for reelection campaign – IOTW Report

St. Louis prosecutor used politically charged McCloskeys case to raise money for reelection campaign

JTN: St. Louis Circuit Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner also investigated Missouri GOP Gov. Eric Greitens, then had to drop the charges.

The St. Louis prosecutor who filed gun charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey for guarding their home against protesters who crashed their gated-community during a social justice protest on June 28, has used the high-profile incident to raise money for her reelection campaign. 

Just the News has discovered several campaign solicitations – dated July 17, 19 and July 22 – issued by the campaign to re-elect Kimberly Gardner, the current St. Louis circuit prosecutor.

Gardner, a Democrat, seized the McCloskeys’ guns on July 10 and charged them on July 20 with “flourishing” weapons. 

In the solicitations, the Gardner campaign suggests the candidate is now facing persecution from up and down the ranks of the Republican establishment, for her decision to charge the McCloskeys. Her detractors include President Trump, Missouri’s Gov. Mike Parson, Sen. Josh Hawley and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt. read more

16 Comments on St. Louis prosecutor used politically charged McCloskeys case to raise money for reelection campaign

  1. Flourishing; sounds like brandishing but is not what they did; also not illegal.
    You can walk around your own property waving anything you want around – the DA is a shameful farce.

  2. Execute, er, I mean arrest. Yea, that’s it. Arrest George Soros and you cutoff the head of the snake that is funding lawlessness by the people charged with enforcing the law.

    He’s everything they claimed the Koch Brothers were.

  3. What a piece of shit, huh?

    We’re going to see the civil war go full blast after the election.

    Bezo’s billionaire ex-wife just gave a boatload of money to the communists.

  4. This scumbag prosecutor just got busted for violating the law against reporting foreign travel, seems like she hasn’t been disclosing her travels as required.

  5. She’s garbage no doubt, but her ridiculous order was blindly followed by law enforcement instead of telling her to piss off. Illegal orders shouldn’t be followed, especially with orders so very clearly abusive. Gutless law enforcement leadership in this case.

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