St. Petersburg Nail Bomber is Named Jamal – He’s a Muslim – IOTW Report

St. Petersburg Nail Bomber is Named Jamal – He’s a Muslim

Carriage of carnage: Pictures emerge from INSIDE the train where a nail bomb killed 11 in St Petersburg metro attack as police issue CCTV of ‘suicide bomber who also planted a second device that was defused.’ 

Russia terror attack: 14 killed in St Petersburg bombing

The horrifying pictures show bodies, blood wreckage and debris strewn across the carriage of the train, which was hit by the blast while traveling between Sennaya Ploshchad and Sadovaya metro stations. Police in Russia now believe a suicide bomber, who has close links to radical Islamists was behind the attack. He has been named locally as Jamal, 23, from a from an ‘ex-Soviet Central Asian nation’ and a CCTV image (inset) has been released of the suspect. The image shows a man in a red Parka jacket, wearing glasses and a green beanie hat and carrying a rucksack on his back. Despite initially issuing search warrants for two suspected terrorists, authorities believe the suspected suicide bomber was behind the attack and also have intelligence to suggest he planted a second explosive device – disguised as a fire extinguisher – which was found and defused at a nearby station.

11 Comments on St. Petersburg Nail Bomber is Named Jamal – He’s a Muslim

  1. There are political differences between the Russian and US governments, but there are no differences between the people of Russia and the US.
    My prayers for the innocent wounded and the families of the dead.
    Islam is a scourge upon the earth and must be eliminated with haste. I would like to see the former WWII US ally (Russia) join together to this end.

  2. It will be interesting to see how Russia handles this. No CAIR to deal with. No proggy types crying Islamiphobia. No constitutional protections, as enjoyed here. A populace that pretty much doesn’t care what happens to the muzzy community. Damn few calling for calm.

  3. I’m shocked!
    Shocked, I tells ya!

    How could a “Religion of Peacenik” have done such a thing?

    Sounds like propaganda, to me.
    Putin and Trump are conspiring to make izlam look bad!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Not so fast. It could be an Afro-American intellectual genius who adopted the name Jamal to protest the “slave name” his mother gave him at birth.

    You know, like his hero, Muhammad Ali

  5. And no, I don’t mean the boxer. I’m talking about the 19th century Islamic governor of Egypt who raided Sudan for tens of thousands of black slaves. He also created a family monopoly in the east African slave trade, which would probably make Cassius Clay’s namesake the greatest slaveowner in human history.

    Which makes you wonder why Muhammad Ali, the boxer. Would change his name from Cassius Clay, which was the name of a Kentucky abolitionist. It cant be to protest his slave name because that would be utter lunacy. It cant be because he was pig ignorant of Islamic history, cause saying that would be rasiss.

    Maybe some day one of my intellectual superior will enlighten me about this.

  6. This is why Trump is right to want to work with the Russians; we have a common enemy. In fact all non-muslim countries have a common enemy and should work together to destroy it. That includes China who’s having muzzie trouble of their own.

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