Stabbings Way Up in NYC – IOTW Report

Stabbings Way Up in NYC

Knife Control Legislation NOW!!


If you missed 70s New York, Bill de Blasio and Barack Obama seem to be doing a great job of bringing it back.

New York City has seen a 20 percent increase in stabbings this year compared with last, and police say they don’t understand why it’s happening or what to do about it.

It’s the Ferguson Effect. It’s one of those warning signs you get as things begin falling apart.

While most of the attacks are part of domestic disputes in homes, random assaults without apparent motives are on the rise. As of March 13, police recorded 809 incidents, up from 673 last year. So far there have been 20 attacks in the subways…

Tabloids reporting a stabbing almost every day in the most populous U.S. city have heightened the police department’s concern about their impact on the public.


14 Comments on Stabbings Way Up in NYC

  1. first we need to bad the knives with multiple blades and of course the auto open or semi auto open knives. Also only allow to be carried on your belt in plain sight not in your pocket.

  2. Most perps and victims in these
    democrat filled and run urban
    dumps voted for Barrack and
    his racist hate clones who are
    the root of the evil. Slashers?
    “Reap what you sow.”

  3. Rocks and pointed sticks are next, and then fists and hands. Heck, let’s ban people all together, that would solve the assault and murder problem and Ma Giah could breathe a sigh of relief. Never mind that the animals would soon eat each other. Isn’t that the ultimate wet dream of all the eco weenies except for the cute cuddly animals acting like animals. You can’t win for losing you dumbass progtards.

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