Stacey Abrams is trying to box Joe Biden in to picking her as his running mate by playing the social justice card – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams is trying to box Joe Biden in to picking her as his running mate by playing the social justice card

Wa Ex:

Democratic try-hard Stacey Abrams, who in 2018 lost her race for governor of Georgia, is still everywhere because the national media thinks Joe Biden should pick her as his running mate.

In her latest nationally televised interview, she was asked on ABC’s The View whether she was “concerned” that Biden might decline to select, not just a woman, but a “woman of color,” as his No. 2.

“I would share your concern about not picking a woman of color,” she said, “because women of color, particularly black women, are the strongest part of the Democratic Party, the most loyal.”

Hmm… Who, oh, who might Abrams have in mind for the perfect “woman of color” to serve as potential vice president? more

45 Comments on Stacey Abrams is trying to box Joe Biden in to picking her as his running mate by playing the social justice card

  1. Can you imagine if old Joe did pick this scummy POS?

    First it’d be the Kiss of Death for his chances in NOV. And if by some fantasicomical chance he was elected and then was________ whatever. President Stacy???

    It’s all blather anyway, he ain’t gonna get the chance.

    I thought I remember her saying she would never run for second place?

  2. Stacy Abrams would make a good running mate for Biden.

    Perfect representation of the entire Leftist political philosophy and their intentions with nothing left to doubt.

  3. In the end, does it really matter. Biden hasn’t a chance to beat Trump. Joe will get crushed in any and all debates and so will anyone he picks for VP.

    Democrat’s can’t lead, wont follow, and insist on getting in the way.

  4. Ain’t gonna happen, Stacey. I honestly believe the DNC’s plan all along was to have Biden resign shortly after the election, for “health” reasons, and I’ll bet a year of grazing at Golden Corral their plan doesn’t include you.

  5. This morbidly obese gaped toothed greasy food gorging sow thinks she can demand the country elect her.
    Sorry fatso but you carping blacks got your quota filled in the last presidency.

  6. What a great pair of dunces to draw in this wonderful game of strip poker! The combination of these to nitwits would define the Dementiacrat Party for a whole generation. Every time they say anything it subtracts from the sum total of human knowledge. They are living reverse encyclopedias of knowledge. Gawd! I hope Doctor Jill and Humper think this is a great choice.

  7. Fat racist ho isn’t fit to clean toilets, let alone be in public office. The first time a foreign power showed her a bribe of food, let alone money, she’d be compromised.

  8. ode to a wannabe:
    .an opotamus-twerker named tank
    .ran 2nd in georgia and stank
    .said it was votah-soup-ression,
    .then mo’ rayciss aggres-shun,
    .her b**t be deservin’ 1st-rank!

  9. I was going to say I hope Biden picks her but then I thought about how absolutely stupid many (most?) voters are and I changed my mind. Much like the OJ trial, black trumps everything for black voters.

  10. That race baiting bitch has no qualifications whatsoever, and her sole campaign for GA governor was voter suppression of blacks (my understanding is more blacks voted than ever before in Ga history)Also she has to floss with a 2X4.


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