Stacey Abrams Predicts She Will Be Elected President by 2040 – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams Predicts She Will Be Elected President by 2040

Of which country?

Breitbart: Failed Georgia gubernatorial Democrat candidate Stacey Abrams told Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight on Friday that she would be president by 2040.

Senior Political Writer Clare Malone asked Stacey Abrams whether she believed that the United States would elect a woman, much less a black woman, to the presidency in the next two decades. Her answer was both confident and unequivocal: “Yes, absolutely.”

In fact, Abrams is pretty certain who the woman in question would be. When Malone asked her if she thought America would put her in the Oval Office, she was just as blunt. “Yes, I do,” she said. “That’s my plan. And I’m very pragmatic.” read more

36 Comments on Stacey Abrams Predicts She Will Be Elected President by 2040

  1. She might be President of an outhouse, as she’s not allowed to use indoor plumbing, because she plugs it up so bad the “Rooter Rooter Man” has to be called each time she would, due to all the crap that comes out of her.

  2. This fantasy is the result of the YES WE CAN delusion promoted by the kenyan former cocksucking former presidential kind of president imposter who occupied 1600.

    My contempt for the dumbass motherfucking idiots that not only fell for the kenyan once….but TWICE????
    I absolutely despise short bus Democrats. Don’t vote. You aren’t qualified. You are stupid

  3. Not my best comment. I have lost all patience with these morons. Sorry.

    Maybe it’s the living in Virginia thing and the phony impeachment baloney that has my hackles up.

    I’m looking for a bare knuckles bar fight tonight.

    Hey liberals.

    Your mother fucks better than your sister. Who happens to look like bug eyed retard Adam Schitt.
    Let’s rumble.

  4. Zimbabwe?
    Club Zambezi Retired Greeter’s Association?
    Niger? (Who you callin Presnit Niger, muthufuckuh?)
    Ivory Coast (shouldn’t that be Ebony Coast?)

    Just not seein it …

    izlamo delenda est …


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