Staffers Say Working For Kamala Harris Is “Abusive” – IOTW Report

Staffers Say Working For Kamala Harris Is “Abusive”

Daily Wire

Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly runs an “abusive office” where morale is low, staff concerns and ideas are ignored, and aides are often surprised with hastily made decisions, like Harris’ recent visit to El Paso, Texas.

The morale of the vice president’s team is apparently sagging and the office has had to handle several high-level departures less than six months into the term. The vice president’s plans are often only known to her and a close group of staff and advisers, and senior members of the office often do not communicate important details down the chain, or shift blame when something goes wrong, according to 22 former staff members, administration officials, and associates of the vice president interviewed by Politico. More

24 Comments on Staffers Say Working For Kamala Harris Is “Abusive”

  1. I’m sure there’s nothing they can’t solve with a another trillion dollars?
    America is having a near death experience.
    On the bright side, many will wake up to the truth.

  2. These so-called “powerful, empowered” women sure are thin-skinned cunts.
    Amy Klobuchar, Hillary, Kamala, have to be the biggest bitches to deal with on a daily basis.
    It is a testament to the Secret Service that none of them have turned their service weapons on those whores.

  3. I hoid Dragway 42 is going to have a broom shoot-out between Hillary’s Shrieking Machine and Kamala’s ride, affectionately named “The Gobbler”!
    (let’s hope they don’t blow a tranny)
    The winner gets the Last Cackle award…

  4. Maybe her staff should consider servicing politicians as she did to get on a better path to call the shots in their own lives. They’re all in the wrong “position”.

  5. You just have to wonder what 10th Dan level of total dysfunction our country must exist under for someone as insufferably stupid, useless, and cunty as Kumala to make it to a VP spot even in a small, failing company, much less of the entire United States?

  6. TheMule
    JULY 1, 2021 AT 10:27 AM
    “You just have to wonder what 10th Dan level of total dysfunction our country must exist under…”

    …if memory serves, in Tae Kwon Do, 10th Dan is ONLY awarded posthumously…

  7. Some people can only learn from first hand experience, I could have told you that about her the first time I saw a video of her. She exemplifies “the type.” Everything in her demeanor was screaming self entitled, abusive, see you next Tuesday. Red flags were everywhere, the only way to miss them was to be hopelessly naïve.

  8. “Harris and Flournoy’s defenders also note that women in power—Black women in particular—are subjected to standards that men often don’t have to clear. “

    So there you go, all these critics are just RACIST!!!

  9. I’m waiting for her and Jill to come to blows!
    Two insufferable primadonna’s who despise one another.
    Kamala will get caught blowing Joe and that’ll be it!!!!

  10. “do not communicate important details down the chain, or shift blame when something goes wrong”

    This tells me that it’s the career civil servants she’s irritating. The ones that make it through multiple administrations whether GOP or DEM. Not really a good idea to make them actively dislike you. Not long term anyway. Might get away with it once or twice but sooner or later it will come back to bite the so-called higher ups. Including the VP. Or even the President.

    See this is the thing that I never bought during the Trump admin. I seriously doubt he managed to make the “little guys” in government hate him. The higher level ones who decidedly lean one way or another? And mostly not GOP. Sure. But not the lower level civil service workers. They’re just as much average American as anyone.

    And average Americans love Trump.


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