Staggering Report on Wealth – IOTW Report

Staggering Report on Wealth

No, this is not a rebuke of multi-millionaires. There simply is not enough high paying jobs in America. It’s not because the evil rich are hoarding money, it’s because most people are working in the service industry. The jobs that require skill are mostly gone.


Washington Standard-

You can find the report that the Social Security Administration just released right here.  The following are some of the numbers that really stood out for me…

-38 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-51 percent of all American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-62 percent of all American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-71 percent of all American workers made less than $50,000 last year.

If you worked a full-time job at $10 an hour all year long with two weeks off, you would make approximately $20,000.  This should tell you something about the quality of the jobs that our economy is producing at this point.

And of course the numbers above are only for those that are actually working.  As I discussed just recently, there are 7.9 million working age Americans that are “officially unemployed” right now and another 94.7 million working age Americans that are considered to be “not in the labor force”.  When you add those two numbers together, you get a grand total of 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

So many people that I know are barely scraping by right now.  Many families have to fight tooth and nail just to make it from month to month, and there are lots of Americans that find themselves sinking deeper and deeper into debt.

If you can believe it, about a quarter of the country actually has a negative net worth right now.


I heard a factoid on the radio the other day. 20% of Americans have zero in the bank. 60% have less than $1000.

We are in deep shinola.

ht/ annie

Meanwhile, people are buying 5 potato chips for $56.

You heard me. screen-shot-2016-10-23-at-11-21-11-pm

S:t Eriks Brewery in Stockholm, Sweden debuted their unique handmade potato chipscrafted with highly exclusive ingredients such as Matsutake, truffled seaweed, dill and their own IPA. The five-chip limited edition box, which has since sold out, sports a hefty sticker price of over $56 USD, with all proceeds going to a charitable cause.

29 Comments on Staggering Report on Wealth

  1. No shit. Here’s my shocked face. It called manufacturing and our leaders gave it to every third world shit hole and now we’re turning into a third world shit hole.

  2. Back in the day they use to teach in Econ 101 that unless you added value to a product you were not adding to the economy. I’m sure Robert fucking Reich would disagree.

  3. It pisses me off to hear people say Trump is against free trade. He’s never said he’s against free trade. He against unfair deals negotiated by stupid politicians. Or trade partners that violate the deals like when China manipulates its currency for their benefit with no repurcussions.

  4. Just from what has been said,
    unemployment as over 30 %

    Why isn’t it recognized that we are being lied to by the government that is supposed to serve us, have fidelity to us, be honest with us.

  5. The lefties are always harping on “leveling the playing field”. Their policies don’t bring third world countries up, like they claim. They bring us down. Soon, we’ll all be one big happy third world.
    Except, of course, for the ruling class.

  6. I USED to work for $25 an hour and I was poor in my mind.
    Now I make $159.46 an hour. Two more years it will go to $200.00/hr.
    Electrical Engineering degree from MIT

  7. Morris,

    But your $159/hour is really worth $9/hour in real wages because our asshole government keeps printing and devaluing money. It’s merely paper, and has NO intrinsic value.

    You may not realize it yet, but you will soon.

    When I was a kid, I used to make interest on my savings. A new Ford F-150 would cost under $3,000. Now, a similar vehicle costs $30-40,000. For what? And now the banks charge fees for the PRIVILEGE of holding YOUR non-intrinsic fiat paper.

    Between the business tax rate and the ridiculous union wages and exorbitantly increasing pensions, business in America can’t keep pace.

    Moreover, we have Hillary Clinton in the wings promising to make things all better – just like hot sauce makes hemorrhoids better.

    Maybe this country deserves a cunt like Hillary Clinton for president.

    No America, we just haven’t suffered enough. We haven’t had a strong enough dose of reality, therefore we won’t change our thinking. We destroyed ourselves when we started rejecting the things that made this country exceptional in the first place – a reverence for the Almighty, a rugged individualism, and personal responsibility.

    We substituted common sense for fluff ball do-gooders, faggotry, political correctness, and the welfare state, and we’re gonna get hammered for it.

  8. It was a combination of gov’t taxes and regs and unions that drove the jobs overseas.

    The gubbermint regulated industry to death, and then the unions drove wages sky high for, let’s be honest, people with No Skills.

    What else could industry do but leave. If it was your money, you’d leave, too. I know I’d leave in a heartbeat if I ran any major US company.

  9. Even if we see lowered tax rates in the US, government immediately comes into a business and tells them that unless they hire this many of these types, and this many of these types, that they will be sued for discrimination. Had dinner this weekend with very nice professional couple, did not take long for me to be asked the % of women working in my company (and in a very interrogatory fashion). Sigh. This country is populated by brainwashed sheep. I am optimistic that Trump will win, but there are still the sheep and our public education system and media communists are not going anywhere. They never go away.

  10. You sound like a pretty smug asshole Morris. Nice to be above it all huh?

    There is a huge divide between the wealthy and the rest of us. I have clients that are building real things like hotels, office buildings…They employ carpenters, tile setters, plumbers…even artists like me on occasion. But there sure are a lot less of them. A whole lot less.

    I used to run a studio that employed 12 people. I had work sometimes a 6-10 months out that kept all of us busy. I paid my best guys, over 20 years ago, $20/hour. In 2001 I had had it with these huge jobs and stopped.

    I recently saw an ad for a nearby studio looking for help. With oil less then 1/2 of what it was when I moved here, I’m thinking, yeah, maybe some outside work would be good. I have almost 50 years experience and believe me, I’m good. His offer was $10/hour.

    He said he had a lot of work but if he could only pay $10/hour, what kind of work is that? Is he greedy? Beats me but I know 20 years ago, even with labor running me ~$6-9,000/week, I made a good living. Numbers like that now seem other worldly.

  11. Which is exactly why I say I can see Venezuela from my house. When that asshole, the Obamboozler, was talking about all his Hope and Change and “Fundamental Transformation” eight years ago I said at the time you cannot spend your way to prosperity and likened his motives to Trickle-Up Poverty!
    Now we are experiencing the New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation” where we have sanitized transcripts for our “protection”, insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals, graft, Pay-To-Play, a bought and paid for Mainstream Media, continuous preposterous lies, the selling out of America and the slide down the slippery slope to Venezuela with all this massive corruption on a scale never before seen in this country! Hillary and her Criminal Business Partner (along with their flying monkeys) are set to cash-in BIG time selling off what’s left!
    It is clear that the Left has accumulated waaay too much power and giving more power to a creature like Hillary is the absolute WRONG thing to do!
    It is high time to clean house including co-opted RINOs.
    It is time, like no other, to Make America Great Again!

  12. That sort of thing will happen when you pass trillion dollar stimulus bills that stimulate nothing. Then write that trillion into the baseline budget through “continuing resolutions”.
    Lots of piggies feeding at that trough.
    The republic is lost.

  13. I’m self-employed (I do what I like to do) and my (low) income varies from month to month. Although I own my house free and clear and have no debt I would be considered poor by many people’s standards. However my attitude has always been that I am rich and somehow things always work out. “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?”

  14. It doesn’t matter how much Morris ‘makes’, because the more he makes, the more Obama takes.
    And Obama lavishes his money on Mooch (so she doesn’t beat him up), and Reggie and Loretta Lynch (so she can insult your sense of justice).

    Go ahead, Morris, kill yourself working. And don’t forget to give money to MIT, so they can enroll affirmative action incompetents that will build the bridges your loved ones drive across

  15. Our country has been outsourced and hollowed out beyond belief. It is a national tragedy, and emergency. But the media is silent b/c we elected obama, a friggin imposter, poseur, lightweight, liar, crony globalist. he is a moron, and a crook. $20T in debt, my God, this so is going to blow up in our faces. Right now the service on the debt costs us a fortune. Again, it’s a major deal but the media and the left ignore b/c their priority is social justice war. I know many software engineers who are unemployed, due primarily to the H1B visa scam and ripoff. If Trump does not get elected this all is going to get worse, and it’s going to be bad. We are ‘this close’ to electing one of the biggest liars and crooks of all time. Going to go from bad to worse if that happens. Say your prayers

  16. There are no good paying entry level jobs in this country. Most of the available jobs today are in the food service industry. The whole economy is grinding to a halt. That evil *tch even is a candidate for president shows you the corruption of our media, meltdown of our educational system (the universities have become leftist indoctrination mills), and the abundance of leftist sheep in our midst. I dunno about others, but the folks in the big cities are for the most part leftist brain dead sheep. Guys, gals, and everything else in between. all communists. I hear Namibia is a pretty good place?

  17. To make matters worse, the democrats / communists want to punish the rich and raise their taxes. What morons. The rich simply will either physically move out of the country, or at least move their investments elsewhere. It is the rich that make big investments and take the risks and create jobs. Guys like, well, I dunno, just for example, Donald Trump knows a lot about this. It would be like telling Howard Schulz or whatever the CEO of Starbucks is named, hey Schulz you wealthy bugger, you are ripping off the system and not paying enough taxes, we are going to double taxes on all your business b/c you are too wealthy. Schulz will just say F u, I can make profit in China or Honduras or Brazil much easily than here, go to He LL, I am outta here. All the Starbucks in the US close. 100,000 Starbucks employees are out of work and Schulz just takes his toys and goes home. This is Bernie’s and hillary’s plan for prosperity. and we have tens of millions of credentialed sheep who think they are smarter than anyone else — and who will vote to support this economic suicidal idiocy.

  18. When I retire, I will free-lance for $150/hr. With all the taxes, regs, and insurance, that’s about what it will take to make it worth my while to go to a paying job. If Hillary wins, I may have to set $200/hr as the going rate.

  19. Read the online article titled “Rise of the Fourth Reich”. Frightening how our once great nation very closely resembles pre-WW II Germany. We do not have a National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI Party) yet…unless you think about the controls the democrats (especially Hillary) wish to place on “We the People”. We do not have a Hitler unless you think about the presidential candidate for the democratic party.
    I fear our country my have passed the point of no return and in the not to distant future may sink below the surface of greatness, respectability, honesty, fiscal independence, and constitutional freedoms. Unfortunately the very people that will be effected the most do not realize the underlying importance of the upcoming election.

    May God help and protect us all…

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