Stalin’s Secret Poop Lab – IOTW Report

Stalin’s Secret Poop Lab

A former Russian agent claims that in his search of Soviet archives he came across evidence that Stalin’s secret police were analyzing the stool samples of those they were spying on.


 He reports that when Mao visited Moscow, the secret police collected samples from the Chinese leader so they could gain insight into his personality.


18 Comments on Stalin’s Secret Poop Lab

  1. The CIA did the same thing when meeting high ranking Soviet leaders. They would disconnect the pipe and collect the flush. I guess they wanted insight on their health. No joke!

  2. I worked with a guy who was an Enlisted Man in Vietnam working in Army Intelligence and he said they picked up VC poop along with everything else for analysis.

    Gave em insight into diet, health, &c.

  3. The most logical explanation of its origin I ever heard was that the afterdeck of sailing ships, called the “poop deck” (from the French “la poupe”, meaning “stern”), was where information was disseminated by the Captain to the crew. From that may have come “getting the latest poop” on something or someone. I don’t know for a certainty that’s true, but it does make sense.

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