Stand With Seattle Catcher Steve Clevenger – IOTW Report

Stand With Seattle Catcher Steve Clevenger

Catcher suspended for saying rioters belong behind bars like animals.

His biggest offense? Not being that good at catching. If this was a superstar they wouldn’t have suspended him.

Liberty Conservative-

There is absolutely no place for violence in society. But in order to eliminate oppression and violence, more people need to speak out against it instead of rewarding those who are doing it. One way to speak out is to correctly label those who are perpetuating violence. They’re not protesters, they’re violent thugs.

This was the point that Catcher Steve Clevenger of the Seattle Mariners seemed to be getting at. In a couple of tweets regarding the recent riots in Charlotte, he observed the racial confusion among the rioters and then said those waging violence should be locked behind bars “like animals.”  The first tweet talked about blacks beating whites because a black cop shot a black guy. While worded a little poorly on a platform that encourages short thoughts with its character limits, pointing out that police brutality isn’t always a racial problem against the black community isn’t wrong.

To this point, Clevenger ended his tweet by saying “keep kneeling for the anthem”, alluding to San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the National Anthem to protest inequality and brutality.  The second tweet from Clevenger says that Black Lives Matter and President Barack Obama are pathetic. He then stated those involved in the riots should be behind bars like animals. Again, worded poorly, but where should those acting violent and rioting be? Behind bars.

Undoubtedly, when the Seattle Mariners responded by suspending the Catcher for the season without pay, they were attempting to stop a public relations nightmare. They’re a baseball team, not a political organization. Baseball also has a diverse group of people in it and is played all around the world. Injecting racially insensitive rhetoric into a national conversation will reflect on the organization through the media and people on social media.  Still, Steve Clevenger isn’t wrong in what he means, just what how he says it. The Seattle Mariners, however, communicate the wrong message when putting a public relations message first.


12 Comments on Stand With Seattle Catcher Steve Clevenger

  1. They are a sports team and not a political organization, but if he sat or knelt down for the nation anthem them would have supported him 100%.

    It is time we stop supporting these spoiled rich people. Let’s drive perofessional sports bankrupt in five years. Vote NO on any ballot measures to build stadiums. Generate ballot measures to recede any current support.

    Let’s see how long they can survive being self sufficient while they dump on their customer base.

  2. the lesson is to slowly ignore Hollyweird, the NFL and Major League baseball. Once their tickets don’t sell and sponsors see greatly reduced viewership they will have to drop this side with the animals position. Bottomline to their bottomline is the animals can’t buy $200 tickets with EBT cards so hit them where it hurts! I won’t happen overnight but I have not watched one play of the NFL this season and am totally fine with the newfound free time to be productive versus watching apes cage fight on a path of turf to go home and drag their woman by the hair out of the team hotel elevator.

  3. By suspending Clevenger, the Mariners have sided with blm and their tribal behavior.
    I can see the Mariners don’t want demonstrations at Safeco Field, but these protesters need a ‘wake-up call’. We need a sheriff like Joe Arpaio to round them up with a massive show of force and put their whining to a quick end. Then get on the soapbox, with all America watching, and inform America that the progressives have created and perpetuated this environment and what needs to happens is to run the progs out of office. He needs to say THINK FOR YOURSEVLES AMERICA.

    And then I woke up.

  4. Voters haven’t had a say in years.
    You can vote against stadiums and sports teams but they will still be built with taxpayer money. It happens over and over. Sacramento voted twice against a new arena but the hideously ugly building is about to open. Didn’t Denver voters oppose the baseball stadium? Go all the way back to Dodger stadium. Some shenanigans there forcing people out.
    I can’t remember where but I saw a story a couple days ago about somebody wanting to build a $2B sports thing. I doubt the rich players or owners will be paying for that.

  5. I suppose letting ALL advertisers of ALL teams in the exact same league know that ALL their products are on the no-buy list until MLB forces the sale of The Mariners to an acceptable party would be unimaginable.

  6. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary, and costly, act. The Mariners should be banned from baseball until they reverse this assault on Freedom of Speech, and apologize to America.

  7. He’s getting the John Rocker treatment. Of course if he was black, odumbazz would tell everyone how brave he is and that his speech is cherished and protected under the First Amendment, which liberals believe in strongly as long as they agree with what you say.

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