Standoff with Indian Ban Continues, Residents Forced onto the Ice to Access Civilization – IOTW Report

Standoff with Indian Ban Continues, Residents Forced onto the Ice to Access Civilization

Fox News

A Native American tribe is barricading and holding dozens of families hostage in a small northern Wisconsin town in response to an ongoing multimillion-dollar dispute over road infrastructure.

The tense dispute – between the Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa tribe and residents of Lac Du Flambeau, Wisconsin – comes about a decade after the tribe began negotiating new right-of-way agreements with local property owners regarding roads that cut through tribal territory. After negotiations deteriorated in late January, tribe members initiated a barricade.

“They’ve got me barricaded in and I can’t get out,” David Kievet, a local resident, recently told the Green Bay Press-Gazette.

During an emergency town hall meeting in January, a 90-year-old property owner characterized the tribe’s actions as “extortion” and said it was “a hostage situation,” according to local outlet WAOW-TV. More

The Federalist was there last week and filed a very good video of the dispute. Here

15 Comments on Standoff with Indian Ban Continues, Residents Forced onto the Ice to Access Civilization

  1. If we ever decide to pay reparations to any person of color because it’s theoretical they may be descendents to actual slaves,
    just think of the case these Indian tribes would have.

  2. We’re over a week into March. The lake ice is going to be safe to cross for maybe another week or two, then what?

    The band is demanding $20 million for the easement and preventing assessors from actually putting a value on the access.

    They don’t want a solution or even payment, they want confrontation and to portray themselves as victims.

    The town should declare eminent domain on adjoining land and put in a bypass road to service these residents. Problem solved into perpituity.

  3. Dr. Tar,

    HELICOPTER, & sue the band for compensation of costs/ withhold aid or whatever happens stateside.

    $$$$$$ speaks louder than words.

  4. Janet Reno, the DOJ, FBI and the ATF would not hesitate to take action.
    First they would manufacture false evidence of Crimes. Secondly leak the fake heinous crimes of the Indian Council to the MSM press, let the press run with the lies for several weeks to gain public approval.
    Bring in Federal FBI and ATF Agents, Swat teams, Snipers, Helicopters and Tanks.

    Before any attack, make sure the Sniper, Lon Horiuchi, shoots and kills the Council President’s wife, son and dog.
    When the Indian Council’s Headquarters is packed with 100 Men, Women and Children, Attack the with CS Gas, Snipers, automatic weapons, Flash Bangs, and Tanks. Intentionally start a fire, Burn down the Council Headquarters killing the trapped 100 Men, Women and Children.

    Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

    If Government was prevented from exercising irresponsible action, WACO, RUBY RIDGE and the per ponderous of laws, regulations, rules and military actions would have never taken place.

    Government does not follow the Constitutional limits nor the laws implemented against citizens. The establishment elite have and will operate in an irresponsible, unlawful way using force whenever they deem necessary.
    Even Biden meant to invoke FEAR, when he stated any effort to change an irresponsible Government will be met with F-16 fighter jets and Military action.
    Yes, the elite establishment is a fearful Master.


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