Stanford prof: Median infection fatality rate of coronavirus for those under 70 is just 0.04% – IOTW Report

Stanford prof: Median infection fatality rate of coronavirus for those under 70 is just 0.04%

The lower number is ‘a welcome piece of evidence,’ he says.

8 Comments on Stanford prof: Median infection fatality rate of coronavirus for those under 70 is just 0.04%

  1. In other words we are not in a state of emergency.

    And we never were in a state of emergency with any need for state governments to assume emergency powers.

  2. The only health emergency is for those in nursing homes a 70+, 80 in Italy.

    Fauci should be tried and spend the rest of his humble life in prison, Birks too!


  3. Ironically, Newsom has hijacked my radio once again, stuttering like some one just whacked him in the back of the head with a baseball bat, warning us what trouble we are in.

  4. They locked us down out of sheer spite. Will they ever pay the price for this.
    Of course not. They never do.


    AG Barr said the Durham investigation of the russia hoax was interupted by the virus lockdown.
    Oh, i see. Investigating the biggest crime in the history of the country, the federal law enforcement using fraudulent docs to try to rig an election, is not considered an ‘essential service’.

    That’s a hint from Barr, folks.

  5. Yes, the study was good news but I’m really suspicious of the motives for the study design. Why was only a single age determinant chosen when the source data included much finer detail about the ages of those tested and followed? On page 5 of the paper, it says (emphasis mine):

    Some studies targeted specific age groups (e.g. excluding elderly people and/or excluding children) and some of them made inferences on number of people infected in the population based on specific age groups. For consistency, the entire population, as well as, separately, only the population with age <70 years were used for estimating the number of infected people. It was assumed that the seroprevalence would be similar in different age groups, but significant differences in seroprevalence according to age strata that had been noted by the original authors were also recorded to examine the validity of this assumption.

    The age data was available but wasn’t used, and no explanation offered. Why? It would be useful for me to know, as well as any other individual to know, how applicable universal dictatorial mandates are to each of us, and make better decisions with more complete knowledge. Of course, to the dictators the idea of a better informed subject population is something they want to avoid, and have already gone to some lengths to suppress.


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