Stanford Student Government Candidate Says ‘White People Need To Be Eradicated’ – IOTW Report

Stanford Student Government Candidate Says ‘White People Need To Be Eradicated’

And the white liberal administrators will do nothing, besides applaud this racist bint.

The white administrators aren’t threatened by black radicals, just as Dr. Frankenstein didn’t fear The Monster. They made them.


25 Comments on Stanford Student Government Candidate Says ‘White People Need To Be Eradicated’

  1. Was that tweet in English? I read it several times and although I get she wants white people eradicated, I do not understand the entirety of the tweet. “I will go feral over mediocre white men we exist”–What???

    Stanford deserves her.

  2. “I will go feral over mediocre white men we exist”

    Anytime the neighbors cat goes feral about 2 months later she has another litter of kittens.

    I am getting mixed messages here.

  3. @Corky – I completely agree.

    What is the administration going to do? Nothing! Wanting to eliminate, or even criticize non-whites (I am using that term because it doesn’t matter what race/ethnicity) is anathema to the majority of the ruling class.

    If I were a student at Stanford and said that I want everyone to be treated equally, including euro-centric whites, I would be banned and doxxed, and subject to all kinds of humiliation and harassment. There would be no blowback on those wanting to “cancel” me.

    According to Wiki (yes, I know), and various dictionaries, racism is the prejudicial belief that physical appearance or race is the major factor in defining a superior group. The current “woke” crowd is therefore racist because they think that I am evil and lesser based on the fact that I am white (100% German, Scottish and Irish). It does not matter that I have hired and promoted employees that span most of the world demographics (age, race, native countries, etc.) I put my record on true inclusiveness against any college, corporation, etc. Prove me wrong with facts and not emotions. I will take that debate.

  4. Sounds like a bad case of white penis envy.
    I wonder what career this chick is hoping to land after graduation? Does “Indeed” have any job positions for homely, angry black women who hate white people wanted? Send your racial hate resume and a list of college accomplishments ASAP!

  5. What a disaster and classic example of lowered expectations. It is a good thing (for her) that she is not in one of my classes. Not because I am a liberal arts instructor, I teach about various aspects of the computer industry. That does not mean that I do not put some points in for correct grammar and language.

    What does it mean that you will go “feral over white men”? Are you threatening me? The law does not let me discriminate, but a threat is a threat, it does not matter where it comes from. You are showing that you are a major risk to the health of my employees. Do not expect an interview when you apply for a job.

    It does not matter what industry you are in, you have to be able to communicate.

  6. What are you going to do without gasoline? Without mechanics, and wifi? Without farmers and ranchers? Diesel fuel? Hillbillies who operate tractors?

    You make a nation of 50 Cents, Snoop Doggs, Dr. Dres…

    What a wonderful world that would be with abject retards at the helm. We already have Biden and Kameltoe, and scores of other traitorous scumbags…

  7. If that’s what that Candidate wants, I guess he or she, and all others who feel that way, better get it done in a hurry, before these “white people” don’t think it’s funny anymore and retaliate by forbidding, under penalty of death and/or permanent banishment for this Stanford candidate (and all others who feel that way) the following:

    Using and/or possessing any device, design, process, theory or invention involving all of the arts and sciences (also including all relevant transportation, agriculture, industry, and architecture and improvements thereof), and whose original source or invention can be traced to any and all individuals who belong to so-called “white people” designation beginning with the advent of Western Civilization.

  8. I think that’s supposed to read, “Yes, I think white people need to be eradicated. Yes, I will go feral over mediocre white men. We exist.”

  9. Gabby using the phrase “I think” is disingenuous.
    She should take a trip to Africa and see what countries are really like without the influence of “white” people.

    “… no phones
    no lights
    no motor-cars
    not a single luxury …”

    A bunch of cannibals squatting in the mud hoping someone smaller than themselves passes by.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. but gabby; i we eradicate all the white people; who’s going to pay for everything? who’s going to keep everything running? we’ll starve to death, freezing in the dark!


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