Dangerous: Student Isaac Kipust hung flyers defending ICE agents around the Kimball Hall dorm. The flyers jokingly urged students to “report legitimate law enforcement activity” and to “call to receive immediate support if you see law enforcement authorities doing their job! Beloved community criminals deserve protection from Trump’s tyranny.”
The posters seemed to have been a response to anti-ICE flyers that had been hung in late January in Kimball Hall. The flyers urges students to “report ICE activity,” in an effort to “protect the community,” listing a hotline that could be called. The posters were ripped down and replaced with a #BuildTheWall sign.
Kipust’s flyers were removed by Kimball’s RAs after three students “felt unsafe and hurt” by the pieces of paper, Kipust reported in the Stanford Review. Kipust said that he had a meeting with the Associate Dean of Students Alejandro Martinez and his peers, in which they told Kipust:
“According to them, my flyers were ‘hate speech’ and hence inappropriate for the Kimball community. Because they apparently mocked a flyer protecting an identity group, they constituted an act of intolerance. Most egregiously, because of their effect on the three crying students at the table, I was not permitted to repost my flyers.” read more
Here’s a tissue. Now leave.
Tissue? Hell, I don’t even know you!
Note to HR directors everywhere…do not hire anyone from Stanford University. They are tiny snowflakes and will make your life miserable if they are in your company.
Liberal Logic:
Because they Mocked a Flyer which showed an Intolerance,towards a “special” group. The WORST part they made cry Babies out of 3 supposedly young adults. Your Crime? No Mocking.
Off to the gulag!
As far as I’m concerned, the only proper trigger warning
Those weepy children would implode if something actually bad happens to them. Whenever I read something about snowflakery, I always think of the contrast between the spoiled children with fake trauma and the young men who have fought in ward.
Wars. Not ward. 🙄
There is one sane student at Stanford. How did that happen?
@NCO77 February 7, 2018 at 5:33 pm
> Note to HR directors everywhere…do not hire anyone from Stanford University.
Pro-tip: If there is an HR director, it’s already too late
The next poster put up should be the names and pictures of the three crying little booboo’s that lodged the complaint. Make sure that gets around then watch the fun when they try to get jobs.
Transfer them to Wuss U. where they will be safe.