Stanley speaks for the majority, a majority who are afraid to speak out against the vengeful evil left – IOTW Report

Stanley speaks for the majority, a majority who are afraid to speak out against the vengeful evil left

ht/ hot salsa

14 Comments on Stanley speaks for the majority, a majority who are afraid to speak out against the vengeful evil left

  1. Oh my God, I’m laughing my ass off. I now a couple black guys just like that dude. And that’s why blacks are so important to the conservative movement. They don’t fuck around.

  2. I know what one of my “persons of color” pals, who happens to be an X Army Ranger, same as his father, would say about this. “I have no time for this weak shit”. Love the guy. We laugh non stop about this “weak shit”. And there’s a lot of it.

  3. There are a great majority of black people, like white people, asian people, and hispanic people I see eye to eye with on a lot of things – the color of skin doesn’t cover up manners, work ethic, faith, or patriotism.

    It is those people of any color (and most of the rainbow color) that I have problems with because they allow their politics and personal habits to overshadow their reason, intellect, and common sense. Those are the “weak shit” people.

    My best friend from the Navy was a guy from Tampa Bay, Florida and both a black panther and a member of the Malcolm X liberation army. He was in the navy because of fear of the draft. Amazingly Jesse and I became great friemds = I would consider letting his son date my daughter because I know the values there.

    We have more to bind us together than we do to tear us apart.


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