Starbucks and Nestle Hit With Child Labor Accusations – IOTW Report

Starbucks and Nestle Hit With Child Labor Accusations

The Jerusalem Post

Starbucks is being accused of breaching child labor laws after it was revealed by United Kingdom-based Channel 4’s Dispatches that children under the age of thirteen, and some looking as young as eight, were allegedly working on farms in Guatemala picking coffee beans being supplied to the large American coffee franchise.

Dispatches filmed the children working demanding 40-hour work weeks, earning daily wages that amount to around two large cups of Starbucks coffee. Around five of the documented farms using child labor were connected to Starbucks, another seven were linked to fueling the Nespresso supply chain, which is owned by food and drink processing conglomerate Nestle. More

9 Comments on Starbucks and Nestle Hit With Child Labor Accusations

  1. They’ve probably been doing that for countless decades. I mean little kids harvesting crops.
    Hell, I picked strawberries and beans in the summer when I was 10 – 12. Then my dad bought a ranch, and I then had to shovel cow and horse crap, haul hay, and fix and build fences. I’m no doubt, traumatized.


    I got my degrees debt free because I WORKED. 65 years ago I picked Cherried at the home campus of the world’s biggest micro computer/I pad/ “Dick Tracy” wristwatch maker.

    I have little respect for folk who watched TV + movies instead of working so they had to borrow $!

    Maybe Im such an ol crank because I did farm labor; as well as washed dishes, to pay for my education!

    As Ronny’s favorite President said, “Hard work never killed a man! But the fear of hard work has killed thousands!”!

  3. 40 hours a week for little kids is wrong. But then, I notice their local gubmints let them do it, so they both suck.
    I helped on my grandparents’ farm when I was a little kid but I wasn’t doing it 40 hours a week under shitty conditions.

    Rules and conditions in the 3rd world are far different from the US.

  4. nothing wrong with kids working

    it builds character and self reliability

    our youth suffer from not having to work, that’s why they think everyone should pay for what they want.

    this is why socialism is ok to them

    you can’t have it both ways

    no the hypocrisy of starbucks is what is appalling, woke my ass!!!

  5. It’s their culture. We must respect it. Look how much trouble Britain got into when they took the kids out of the coal mines. And how about Antifa? If they were stuck in the fields picking lettuce and stuff, they wouldn’t have time for their bullshit.

    No, we definitely need to go back to the days when we kept the kids occupied for 12 hour days at hard labor. /S


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