Starbucks Apologizing Again For Racism- But It’s Only an Asian, So No Big Whoop – IOTW Report

Starbucks Apologizing Again For Racism- But It’s Only an Asian, So No Big Whoop

A Filipino guy named John ordered cocoa with banana nut bread at a California Starbucks.

When calling out his order they yelled “Chang, is there a Chang here?” (Filipino/Chinese… they all look alike to people like Hillary.)

John took offense, not realizing he isn’t black.

Hey Cha.. John. No one cares. You’re a titch above white on the “we don’t GAF about you” totem pole.

In fact, me writing totem pole is more offensive to a lefty dopewagon than Starbucks calling you Chang.


15 Comments on Starbucks Apologizing Again For Racism- But It’s Only an Asian, So No Big Whoop

  1. Starbutts is an interesting place. I occasionally stop in and get a breakfast sandwich and a BIG Pikes. A pretty good brew actually. Maybe 4 times a month. There’s a flaming FAG there that always seems to be at the register. Makes my skin crawl. But my life depends on coffee after the gym.
    So one day I walk in there and I’m eying this scantly clothed hot little blonde girl. She had legs that went all the way to the ground. Turns out, she’s this FAGS wife. I officially gave up. Next week, Gym Fags. Stay tuned.

  2. I make good coffee at home. If I want the Starbux experience I’ll pour myself a large cup, call my name out incorrectly and light a five dollar bill on fire.
    Then I’ll scrape the ashes into the coffee.

  3. What did these attention whores do about every perceived slight before social media allowed them to publicly posts their grievances?

    Get a grip.

  4. When I’m in a situation where my name will be called – pizza store, take out, waiting for restaurant seating, I always identify as Donald Trump.

    I like making them say it.

  5. Boy, oh boy did I ever miss out pissing and moaning about ‘injustice’. Before cell phones, social media and Starbucks, I worked in the library at a community college I was attending. I was wearing a ‘sun dress’ that wasn’t form fitting. A Birkenstock type comes up to the desk and asks me when the baby is due. I looked at her and said: I’m not pregnant, just fat. I may not remember why I walked into a room, but I’ll never forget the look on her face.

  6. Did he go slay himself?
    They should give him free shit for life.
    It’s only fair.
    Even if that’s the name he gave them – cuz the narrative is more important than the reality – and the narrative is that all white people (and white-people-owned Corporations) are racist.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Jeez, Brad, don’t you know by now it’s really tough to tell a Socal soyboy from a genuine homosekshul?

    Actually, he said, “Do you want your change?” The Zips are sharing a chapter from the blacks on “Applied Misunderstandings”.

  8. Been to a Starbucks once. Yeah, they sell a lot of sugary, foamy, extremely gay coffee-based beverages. But it took some work to get a cup of plain, black coffee. Wasn’t even that good. Never been back. Don’t plan to.


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