Starbucks CEO Slams Bernie Sanders: ‘I Grew Up in Federally Subsidized Housing … I Came From Nothing’ – IOTW Report

Starbucks CEO Slams Bernie Sanders: ‘I Grew Up in Federally Subsidized Housing … I Came From Nothing’

( — In a testy exchange with Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a self-described socialist, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz challenged them for frequently tagging him as a “billionaire” by reminding them that he grew up in subsidized housing, his parents never owned a home, and every penny he made he earned — “No one gave it to me.” 

Schultz testified before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on Mar. 29, which is investigating the attempts by Starbucks employees to unionize in certain areas. Starbucks operates more than 33,000 coffee shops in 80 nations.

In his opening remarks, Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) — who loves socialism so much he spent his 10-day honeymoon in the USSR — referred to Schultz as the “multibillionaire,” “billionaires,” and again “multibillionaire.” Sen. Smith also said to Schultz, “I mean, you’re a billionaire….”

After Sen. Smith made her comment, Schultz replied, “The last thing you said, and it’s been said many times by the chairman [Sanders], I just want to make a point of that. This — this monarch of billionaire, let’s just get — get it that okay?”

“I grew up in federally subsidized housing — let me finish,” said Schultz.  “I grew up in federally subsidized housing. My parents never owned a home. I came from nothing.”

“I thought my entire life was based on the achievement of the American dream,” he added.  more

17 Comments on Starbucks CEO Slams Bernie Sanders: ‘I Grew Up in Federally Subsidized Housing … I Came From Nothing’

  1. Every once in a while we get these glimpses into the souls (metaphorically speaking) of these progs and their binary zero-sum game thinking WRT wealth. Idiots like Bernie and AOC believe that if one side of the scale is too heavy, the other must be too light, that every excess dollar accrued by Schultz was taken from the pockets of some poor family, the finite pie theory I have talked about before. They have no concept that wealth can not only be created from existing wealth but that it can be used to shower others with prosperity in the form of new jobs, innovative products, and higher salaries.

    I’m glad that Schultz recognized The American Dream, sadly this is just one more thing that is metastasizing before our eyes. Much like American Exceptionalism, our culture is now turning its nose on both. Now The American Dream is to get you and your family across the border so you can get free shit in perpetuity.

  2. Schultz is an amazing success… and also a leftist hypocrite. But whether you like Starbucks or not, he did build it into an empire and made a particular point of taking good care of the employees. About the only company that has health care for employees with (I believe) a minimum of 20 work hours per week – when, thanks to 0bamacare many companies forced employees under the 32-hour threshold just so they wouldn’t have to provide healthcare.

  3. That picture of Bernie looks how coffee makes me feel. Maybe I just “do” coffee wrong. I’ve heard that if you spill it in the dirt, then take a dump on it … all is well and all will be well in the garden.

  4. Actually, Bernie is my hero. No real experience, no job skills, no intelligence, and really nothing that would translate into a benefit for anyone but Bernie – yet he built a career as a do-nothing, no nothing senator.

    When true socialism comes to the US, I for one will be at the wall feeling somewhat sorry for Bernie as he realizes that he is no longer useful for his WEF masters.

  5. To the socialist, the ONLY appropriate path to wealth is through power politics and expropriating, by force of arms, what others have earned.

    Mr. Schultz may consider himself a socialist, but the socialists don’t even consider Mr. Schultz human. Mr. Schultz is, clearly in their eyes, one of THEM – and certainly NOT one of us.

    Had Mr. Schultz been in politics for the past 40 years and amassed a fortune (similarly to Obola, Biden, Schumer, Sanders, Pelosi, Waters, Manchin, &c.) he would be A-OK.

    Perhaps Mr. Schultz will sell Bernie the rope with which Bernie will hang him?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Wyatt

    I get the snark but even at being a slug, he is a miserable failure. As old as he is, for as many years he has been feeding at the public trough, to only amass a 2 million dollar fortune, heck, AOC already has that beat.

    He sucks at everything, including capitalism.

  7. Indeed, Rich, he’s one the best examples of a ‘loser’ around. Imagine what that makes the people of Vermont!

    Being a loser is one thing. Embracing a loser is depravity.

  8. Howard Schultz made his money from a “luxury” business; he didn’t exploit the poor from their “hard-earned” minimum wage jobs to buy his shit. A $5 cup of Joe is a luxury. I’m not a Starbucks fan but I bet old Bernie couldn’t last a shift as a barista.

  9. Good point, Rich. But then again, even an incompetent like Bernie still accumulated $2mm. I guess even a slug can get something from the public trough.

  10. And Bernie’s done next to nothing all his life and made out, and still making out pretty good.

    Howard should be taking notes and wondering why he worked so hard.

  11. Schultz is no prize. When Starbucks went major woke, he yelled at the stockholders to “Get Gay or Get Out”.

    Let he and Sanders pee on each other – it’ll make my day.


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