Starbucks Under Fire From SJWs Crying RACISM!! – IOTW Report

Starbucks Under Fire From SJWs Crying RACISM!!

Yeah, yeah. It’s Starbucks and they suck. But that’s not the point.

Two guys were sitting at a Philadelphia Starbucks table, not ordering, just sitting there. Eventually one of the guys asked if he could use the bathroom (there was a code to gain access.) A worker told them the bathroom was for paying customers. The guy sat back down with his friend. They both sat on the same side of the table, side by side, which I find odd, but they later said that they were waiting for someone, so, it makes some sort of sense.

None of the news outlets mentions the amount of time that passes, but eventually one of the workers asked them to leave. They refused. The worker called the police.

The police were actually very calm and professional and asked them three separate times to leave because the establishment didn’t want them there just sitting and doing nothing and asking for the bathroom code.

The two men still refused to leave. In the leftist world, these two guy’s are right and everyone else is wrong, and they are victims.

Enter the guy they were waiting for, who inside a span of 30 seconds insists that what he’s just walked in on is an act of discrimination. Unless he knew exactly what was going on, being apprised of everything by cell phone or texts, I have no idea why he didn’t have a longer state of confusion, requiring more information before adamantly declaring “this is discrimination.”

He says that he’s in real estate development and they were there to discuss a business transaction.

Call me cynical, but the entire way this scenario plays out seems like a setup to me.

Eventually the men are handcuffed and led away for trespassing.

The YouTube comments are predictable, infuriating and silly, with a lot of asshats BLAMING TRUMP!

But mostly they call this evidence of crisis level racism and no one is ever going to Starbucks again.

Some are citing Starbucks’ corporate message where they talk about being a meeting place, a community hub, etc. etc. and call them hypocrites.

Nowhere in the corporate message does it talk about NOT BUYING ANYTHING.

Recently I drove my mother to a doctor’s appointment. The place had no WIFI, so I went down to an Arbys and asked if they had WIFI. They did. I said, “give me a diet Coke and the cheapest thing on the menu, I’m here wasting time while my mother has a check-up.”

They told me I didn’t need to buy anything and wrote down the wifi password. I insisted and got a horrendous “Buffalo Chicken slider.” (I wanted to see the doctor after I ate some of it.)

The girl, a BLACK GIRL, brought it over to my table, with a smile.

See what happened there? Communication, everyone smiling, everyone doing something nice, and I didn’t become a youtube star.

I would never loiter in a place of business, doing nothing, and then ask for the bathroom key.

Some people were saying, “but they were waiting for the other guy, and it’s rude to order before the other guy  gets there.”

So you go up to someone and say, I’ll be ordering an espresso, but I’m waiting on a guest so I’d like it to arrive when they order. Thank you, and you smile.


Let’s not call this incident racism. Let’s call it being stupid and discourteous, two things you shouldn’t be if you’re not in the business of enjoying being the victim. I’ve been told that bathrooms were for paying customers many times in my life, and I understand businesses that have that policy. It costs money to run a bathroom, something that dumbass leftists don’t think about because they only know how to take and be entitled.




31 Comments on Starbucks Under Fire From SJWs Crying RACISM!!

  1. Point 1. it’s the WaPo … every story is a lie trying to drive a narrative that the US is bad … except when the government subsidizes Amazon
    Point 2. it’s Starbuck’s … phuck off & die

  2. I have certainly run into establishments, used their restroom, and left. When you gotta go… – but always willing to purchase something if called on it.
    Coffee shops have problems when too many people just hang out there, makes it harder for paying customers to enjoy their purchases. It is reasonable for them to set time limits and to require a purchase.
    “We have the right to refuse service to anyone.”

  3. They could have ordered a short drip coffee with room for cream and no one would have thought anything was wrong-but yeah-sitting side by side is weird. One guy could have been looking for their late arriving friend and then do musical chairs after he arrived. Just a bit suspicious all round.

    I guess a day can’t go by without someone feeling aggrieved.

  4. We taught our kids that if you need to use a restroom at a place of business you need to buy something, even if it’s just a pack of gum. It used to be called common courtesy, but it is almost dead now. Very few people have manners anymore. I hate to find myself on Starbuck’s side on this, but i am.

  5. I’m calling non-racism, there was an AA officer present the entire episode. Furthermore it was a set-up, conveniently (albeit poorly) recorded for posterity. F#cking buy a cup of over-priced coffee for crying out loud ya cheap bastards! It’s not a park bench!

  6. Starbucks is also a meeting place for drug dealers, gang-bangers and addicts. The other night, I was in the Starbucks in the main city square with my church group, only to have some long-haired, face-scabbed person beat me to the bathroom. After coming back 9 minutes later, I had a staff person reassure me that it would probably be a while longer because the person in question was most likely shooting up in the bathroom.

    At the Starbucks down the street, we have to routinely deal with large crowds of black and Latino kids who come in charge their phone, take all the seats and order ice water. Sometimes they shoplift, other times, they steal customers phones. In some cases, they hang outside and roll their joints and practice knocking people out from behind before they go down to the waterfront to mace and beat on the homeless and rob random drug addicts.

    These two black men were not being discriminated against. I have watched white men and women go ballistic when denied the bathroom code for not buying anything. If these were truly businessmen, waiting on a real estate deal, they would understand that you need to do business to pay that rent and that they could take their broke butts down the road if they weren’t going to be engaging in commerce with the establishment. (Even the spare changers outside with their cardboard signs have enough sense that they have to buy something to occupy a seat.)

  7. I stop at Starbucks every morning. There’s a Nordic beauty that works there and if the line is 30 deep she spot’s me and takes my order. You should see this girl. Nothing sexual meant. A perfectly symmetrical blond beauty. And yet she takes the time to make sure I get what I need and I’m on my way. An old weight lifter appreciates that shit. So yes, I go to Starbucks.

  8. Starbucks is tasty, I don’t care what you people say. I also watch and enjoy Disney movies. ;b

    Anyway, more on topic, either those two men are just incredibly rude and entitled, or this was a stunt.

  9. I remember taking a Greyhound Bus from Duluth,MN to Seattle, WA in the 50’s. On one of the many stops I needed to go to the bathroom. I went in and discovered it cost 5 cents to unlock the door. There was plenty of space below the door, so I just went under it. PHEW!

  10. So blacks are pointing to this as an example of racial discrimination? That’s pretty thin. Seems more like a over exercised sense of entitlement. They are too used to people putting up with their rude behavior to avoid a confrontation. And if they are confronted it only happened because they’re black. Universal free pass.

  11. Bingo on noticing they need a code at all. Says a lot about the location’s denizens.

    How often do they change the code? Buy one tiny item and you’re in like Flynn. no?

    If you really want Starbucks to look bad, get denied a code and pee in your pants at the table.

    Told you I had to go.

    Unfortunately, I learned this tactic accidentally in 4th grade with an un-budging teacher. While embarrassed to have it happen and get on the bus with all my friends that not only see the wet pants, but witnessed the whole thing play out, that teacher believed me from then on when I said I don’t think I can hold it. The damn bathroom was across the hall and she had pee in her room when I left. Sounds fair.

  12. Starbucks has a key-coded shithouse?
    In DC that would be illegal, in and of itself.
    A public accommodation that serves drink without a public toilet? That’s absurd.

    Set up?
    Yeah, a sophomoronic set-up by sophomorons aided by Starbucks and the Police (and the videographer).

    Another tempest in a teapot; sound and fury signifying nothing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Considering the liberal leanings of Starbucks, I’m sure the two guys at the table had to be there literally several hours before the employees would have the guts to call the police.
    Like you, Fur, I smell a set-up.

  14. I was just at a Chipotle yesterday in West Hollywood, and the door to the women’s restroom had a code lock on it, but the men’s restroom did not. I’m sure this confuses the heck outta the SJWs. Do we shriek, “That’s sexist!” Or do we shriek about toxic masculinity and the patriarchy making the restaurant restrooms so unsafe for women that the door has to be locked?

  15. Our local small town Starbuck’s gives 50 cent “refills” to anybody that brings their own cup. Can’t beat it. Since they share space with a supermarket they don’t have a restroom. I just pee on the floor.


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