StarCucks – IOTW Report


Starbucks reparations.

Black guy says he can go into Starbucks and get a free coffee, knowing he can leverage white liberal guilt.

And it works!


ht/ all too much

34 Comments on StarCucks

  1. Around 2000 when I regularly went to Seattle I loved Seattle’s Best. I then tried Starbuck’s a few times and nearly gagged both times. Never bought Starbucks after that.

    Give me White Castle coffee, Mickey Ds or Dunkin Donuts coffee any time.

  2. I told a friend once, long ago, “I live in the best of times. I can scream sexism. And, if that doesn’t work, I can always cry.”

    You plays the system, the hand you were dealt. ….Lady in Red

  3. Can someone ‘splain to me how it’s a good thing that when the obvious “good” choices are 9 out of 10, choosing the “bad” choice, every time, is good for anyone, especially for a minority that seems to be determined to live down to the worst expectations of the majority? Maybe I’m just too old to get it…

  4. @TSUNAMI April 18, 2018 at 12:16 am

    Since there won’t be any guns in Dick’s any longer, maybe Starbucks execs will feel safe & secure enough to work a deal with Dick’s to put franchises in every Dick’s store. (that sounds vaguely dirty, but not meant to be).

  5. I make good coffee at home too. If I want the Starbux experience all I have to do is pour myself a cup, yell out my own name incorrectly, light a five dollar bill on fire and then scrape the ashes into the cup, but I draw the line at feeling guilty about being White!

  6. Of course he knows he can get whatever he wants. Starbucks fired that manager for following policy and doing her job,they’re shutting down for a half-day of mea culpas, so any manager now will cow-tow to any black person over damn near everything. They just want a paycheck.

    Must be nice to have the black card…

  7. Lookin for a handout!
    And proud of it!

    “I gotz me sum free shit! An I foun sum still pretty soft chewing gum under the table!”

    An exemplar of his times (his era) – his class – his race – his age (chronological – not his era).

    No shame for wanting free shit? No shame in begging or brow-beating for free shit? A generation of worthless beggars – in fact, a whole sub-species of worthless beggars.

    Makes the old “Black and Proud” kind of comedic (or pathetic), doesn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Thread has been deleted, but I get the picture.
    Starbucks should be removed from all VA facilities nationwide. Veterans deserve better. Starbuck’s management have no balls.


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