Starting Off the Day With Leftist Nutbags on Display (sorry) – IOTW Report

Starting Off the Day With Leftist Nutbags on Display (sorry)

In this video a Christian man is assaulted, then blamed blamed for causing a disturbance.

13 Comments on Starting Off the Day With Leftist Nutbags on Display (sorry)

  1. God how I detest reporters “keep needling him until we can get a statement to twist around.”
    And that useless tub of shit cop stands there as useless as a tree stump while the man is assaulted.

  2. That young Christian man has courage.

    Those yellers are sick people who can’t make a point without the F word in every sentence.

    Using the F word has lost its shock value and is becoming trite, although I admit I use it from time to time.

  3. Laughing at the 350 pound land whale calling the good looking young conservative an incel who can’t get laid. That gelatinous sack of blubber prolly hasn’t gotten laid this century.

  4. They will fight to be able to keep killing whomever they want to kill.
    When you stand up to them then you are automatically the next target.
    If the statement “No vagina – No voice” is legitimate then so is “No penis – No position” or “No penis – No place” or “No penis – No power”; “No Penis – No Politics”.

  5. I would advise anyone, any more, when you go out to “take a position”, to “speak truth to power”………… have a “wingman”; off to the side, armed with .22 shorts, a paintball gun, something non-lethal but painful; maybe a “plant” in the crowd, to attack from the inside; to hurt the Libtards approaching the speaker. TDS should be painful.


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