State Department Denies Biden’s Claim Of A “Kill List” – IOTW Report

State Department Denies Biden’s Claim Of A “Kill List”

Fox News

State Department spokesperson Ned Price seemingly contradicted President Biden’s acknowledgment that the United States may have provided the Taliban with a list of names of Americans and allies in order to usher them to the airport.

“The idea that we are providing names or personally identifiable information to the Taliban in a way that exposes anyone to additional risk, that is simply wrong, simply wrong,” Price said in response to a question about reports that the United States provided what some have called a “kill list” to the Taliban. More

6 Comments on State Department Denies Biden’s Claim Of A “Kill List”

  1. What a fucking mess.

    And there’s no end to it.

    3.5 more yrs of this shit?

    Meanwhile, the “press” continues to talk about Trump.

    It’s just so sad. 13 lost servicemen and they can’t find their own asses.

    America is done. Read the Bible. Repent. Pray. The steep downhill part is just beginning. It will be very painful from here on.

  2. Those on the ground are more aware of what has taken place and what happens daily. State Department and DOD are nearly the last to know days after the fact, which forces them to pick and choose what they will disavow or agree with.
    Remember The Dept. of State and DOD have inept, political, unqualified Directors who gave Biden input to what he should do in Afghanistan.
    They are attempting to polish a Turd and present it to the citizens of the US to exonerate themselves of Responsibility.

  3. We know this was intentional: it distracts from Pelosi and McConnell’s 3.5 TRILLION dollar looting of our nation’s wealth, it destroys the cache of the US military forever, and it gives Communist China the world’s lithium reserves as well as Taiwan for the pickings.

    Quite a score for the traitors running our nation.

  4. Like I said last night..

    We’re never gonna believe in the stories that you’re weavin’
    We’re believin’ in the proof, we’re believin’ in the truth
    We’re believin’ in each other, not you, you, you

  5. they’re doing a ‘whack-a-mole,’ malarkey express thing with this, just like with the viruz/mask/vaxxine thing.
    a razzle dazzle of ‘truth’. Make it so complicated and tedious to follow. that people just give up and do follow.
    just keep watchin’ the tv- it will keep you up to date

    George was right:
    George Harrison – Beware of darkness (subtitulado)


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