State Department Funded Creation of “Blacklist” of Conservative News Through Two Front Organizations – IOTW Report

State Department Funded Creation of “Blacklist” of Conservative News Through Two Front Organizations

Washington Examiner

The Department of State has funded a deep-pocketed “disinformation” tracking group that is secretly blacklisting and trying to defund conservative media, likely costing the news organizations vital advertising dollars, the Washington Examiner can confirm.

The Global Disinformation Index, a British organization with two affiliated U.S. nonprofit groups, is feeding blacklists to ad companies with the intent of defunding and shutting down websites peddling alleged “disinformation,” the Washington Examiner reported . This same “disinformation” group has received $330,000 from two State Department-backed entities linked to the highest levels of government, raising concerns from First Amendment lawyers and members of Congress. Expose

5 Comments on State Department Funded Creation of “Blacklist” of Conservative News Through Two Front Organizations

  1. The government has absolutely no business influencing, attacking or attempting to control opinions, speech or the flow of information unless it is clearly treasonous. They gladly protect the rights of terrorist organizations to publish their screed but attack conservative writers and speakers. There are mounds of “disinformation” everywhere and much of it comes directly from the government. This smacks of actions used by despots and dictators throughout history. What’s next, gulags for those who disagree or criticize the government or its agenda? Nothing would surprise me after witnessing our decline over 70+ years.

  2. Every encounter I have had with Government, I’ve walked away realizing government is not my protector, advocate or my friend.
    Government has become adversaries where I was forced into a defensive position.
    It is no longer (if it ever was) to, for and by the people.
    I love my country, I fear my government.


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