‘Starting immediately, only the United States of America flag is authorized to be flown or displayed at U.S. facilities, both domestic and abroad, and featured in U.S. government content,’ the order states. ‘The flag of the United States of America united all Americans under the universal principles of justice, liberty, and democracy. These values, which are the bedrock of our great country, are shared by all American citizens, past and present.’
Just another example of our common sense President. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT!
Thank God… literally… The goddamn faggot flag was just too much, an absolute travesty just begging the entire planet to come here and kick our asses, and deservedly so.
What “TheMule” said!!!
No more Liberal/Communist policy of “Divide and Destroy”!
The Democratic Party is a collection of freaks, degenerates, malcontents, and psychotics, and each has its own banner of sorts that demands fealty. Nobody told them but the circus has left town. Nobody cares about your delusions, take them walking.
My Post Office still flies a “POW-MIA” flag underneath Old Glory. I hope they can continue that….
pimp your cause on your dime, property, & time or gtfo
Advertise what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom or bathhouses in the privacy of your own bedroom.
Thank you, God! And we want OUR real rainbow back!!
And we want the real meaning of “gay” back!!
You mean like happy go lucky and care-free like it used to mean before the fags coopted it back in the 60’s.
If the Flintstones were made today Fred and Barney would be queers and Wilma and Betty would be lesbians or bisexual and Pebbles and Bam Bam would be gender confused not knowing whether they’re male or female. And they all would have a gay old time, NOT!