State Department Refusing To Say Jerusalem Is Capital Of Israel – IOTW Report

State Department Refusing To Say Jerusalem Is Capital Of Israel

Despite the President finally forcing our government to comply with the Jerusalem Embassy Act and his statement that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, the U.S. Department of State is not in agreement with the Chief Executive.

“There is no change in policy at this time,” one State Department official stated. “We will provide any new guidance as and when appropriate.”


They better get with the program before the embassy is moved out of Tel Aviv.

14 Comments on State Department Refusing To Say Jerusalem Is Capital Of Israel

  1. Just a basic, basic thought here: is it legal for someone whose boss is ultimately the president to go against his directives? Perhaps not illegal, but I can’t imagine a court that would say he can’t be fired for it.

    Well ok, I can imagine a court and the judge would be a Dem appointee. But not a US Supreme Court.

  2. Fire the agency director. If that doesn’t fix it, fire the deputy director. Then the regional managers. Then the local managers. Then the team leaders. Then the line employees. Sooner or later they’ll either start doing their f’ing jobs or there won’t be anyone left and the agency is closed.

  3. @Left Coast Dan

    Don’t fire them. It will just snarl its way through some court or another, that will eventually side with them and give them back pay.

    Freeze hiring, reduce their pay, unplug their phones, move their desks down to the basement, and have them sorting crayons all day. There is nothing in the law that says they have a right to perform any task. The director decides what their workload is.

  4. Mith: We have to staff the embassy in Libya don’t we? Are there some other choice areas of the world that Democrats have screwed up where they would feel more at home?

    Say, the Congo, Yemen, Honduras.

    On second thought, if they went to one of those places they’d start collaborating with the enemy.

    Just fire them.

  5. Fire everybody at the state department and deny them their pensions for cause.
    Who do these pigs think they are.
    They are above the President ?
    They are above the congress ?
    They are above the constitution ?
    They are above the people ?

    Fire them for cause !

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