State Dept. concedes ‘gaps’ in Clinton emails; could result in perjury charge – IOTW Report

State Dept. concedes ‘gaps’ in Clinton emails; could result in perjury charge

hillary 2

WaTimes– The emails former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton turned back over to the government last year contained “gaps,” according to internal department messages evaluating her production.

Mrs. Clinton took office on Jan. 21, 2009, but the first message she turned back over to the department was dated March 18, and the earliest-dated message she herself sent was on April 13, or nearly three months into her time in office, according to a message obtained through an open records request by Judicial Watch, which released it Monday.


4 Comments on State Dept. concedes ‘gaps’ in Clinton emails; could result in perjury charge

  1. if the ‘authorities having jurisdiction’ in this case were honest, they could lock her up for a number of offenses already.

    Stick a fork in her she’s done. Bammster isn’t going to let her get the nomination, he’s drawing this out nice and slooooowwww, just like Reggie does.

    ha ha ha hah ha ha hah a

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