State Dinner: Melania Selected “Clinton China Service” Previously Stolen by the Clintons – IOTW Report

State Dinner: Melania Selected “Clinton China Service” Previously Stolen by the Clintons

CTH: Twitter handle IWillRedPillYou did a little digging on the more nuanced aspects from last night’s State Dinner, held by President Trump and Melania Trump to honor French President Macron and Brigitte Macron, and discovered a hilarious detail:

“Get this: The China (dinette set) Trump Ordered Used Tuesday Night for the Macron Dinner? Same China Bill and Hillary Clinton STOLE from the White House and Were Forced to Return (Dead Serious – Trump = Master Troll)” [Tweet Link]

Yes, it’s true.



20 Comments on State Dinner: Melania Selected “Clinton China Service” Previously Stolen by the Clintons

  1. Same China Bill and Hillary Clinton STOLE from the White House and Were Forced to Return

    after the jail time of course, what, no jail time for stealing the nations treasures ?

    maybe that is why she thought she could sell the nations uranium with no consequences.

  2. Ha ha. Boy I hope the Trumps are in the white house for 8 years.

    Hillary couldn’t get away with stealing the white house china and yet she thought she could get away with stealing the presidency LOL

  3. The choice sounds like Melania’s
    That makes me even happier.
    She stuck it to the witch.
    Now all we need to see is all of Mitch Obama’s decorations from her White House days at the curb with a FREE sign

  4. If what I researched on this china is true, it was a second set of china that cost about $500,000. for 300 12-piece place settings, and was created to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the White House (1800 – 2000), and was the first WH china to feature a drawing of the White House. The large gold-banded service plate (sometimes ‘charger’) is the piece with the WH on it; the other plates feature architectual drawings of other rooms in the WH.

    I also read that this particular set of china was paid for by donations and not by taxes.

    I knew the Clintons tried to steal china from the WH, I think what is more concerning is while they were there, they also tried to have China steal the WH.

  5. When they showed the place setting, I forget which blog, asked if that was the china Hillary the Hobo stole.
    Got plenty of thumbs up, now I got my answer too.


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