State Media CNN Rushes In to Denounce And “Fact-Check” the Convoy – IOTW Report

State Media CNN Rushes In to Denounce And “Fact-Check” the Convoy


The protests involve a minority of Canada’s truck drivers, some far-right activists and a variety of other citizens. The demonstrations began in late January as a “Freedom Convoy” of trucks and other vehicles. The convoy then turned into an ongoing demonstration in the Canadian capital of Ottawa, whose mayor declared a state of emergency on Sunday. It has also sparked protests elsewhere and inspired plans for a similar convoy in the US.The protests have been touted on right-wing US television station Fox and have been cheered by some prominent Republican officeholders and conservative pundits; organizers have raised millions of dollars. Former President Donald Trump even weighed in with a statement praising the protesters and denouncing Trudeau.

Facts FirstThe number of trucks involved in the protest was never anywhere close to 50,000; such a number of trucks would have taken up hundreds of miles more road space than this protest occupied. Canadian journalists put the number of trucks in the hundreds in late January. Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly told reporters on January 31 that it was impossible to provide exact crowd-size figures but that he had “heard” numbers as high as 18,000 total demonstrators — not just truckers — present in the city at the peak of the protest on January 29. No credible source has reported that the number of participating trucks in particular ever approached tens of thousands, let alone “50,000.”Police in Kingston, Ontario, a city through which a portion of the protest convoy passed, tweeted on January 28 that they had counted 17 full tractor-trailers, 104 tractors without trailers, 424 passenger vehicles and 6 RVs. The same day, Global News chief political correspondent David Akin tweeted that police sources had told him there were “230 tractors / tractor-trailers & 725 personal vehicles from Toronto and Western Canada,” plus 200 vehicles from the eastern provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (he added that there were an “unknown” number of others involved).


Just a mere couple of hundred of disgruntled right-wingers, nothing to see here, move along… Oh… we can’t.

19 Comments on State Media CNN Rushes In to Denounce And “Fact-Check” the Convoy

  1. Here’s a nice short video of a couple of young Ottawans who actually went out and spoke to the truckers – and then one brought his mother, who gets all her news from the lamestream media, so she could witness the truth:

    And a long but interesting Twitter thread by Ezra Levant on how he thinks the ‘trucker rebellion’ will end. Think ‘saving face’.

  2. A few things to say:

    1) Not all of the trucks were actually allowed into Ottawa due to road blocks etc. Many were in other support areas. More trucks than were visible in the Capital.
    2) many went with, followed, Stayed a but & left
    3) speaking to my Metro Toronto Copper Connection: His good friend in the Ottawa Police dept. is saying that “they have never met more polite & Friendly protesters EVER” (his words not mine.) “The streets are cleaner than ever.”
    4) Ottawa Police Chief still has a stick up his ASS when he was passed over for Chief in Toronto. He was never able to play race card because the chief hired was Darker skinned than him. (Saunders, Very balanced guy.)
    5) Toronto was told, “Be calm & peaceful BUT If you see one Nazi Flag Jump on it hard.” This implies that even the coppers do not want this to look ugly.
    6) in many cases, younger & less seasoned cops are just following orders and a lot of seasoned guys are taking days off.

    He is completely on the side of truckers & protesters.

    Finally, ALL the Canadian MSM is vilifying the Protest, even claimed conservatives, which is completely a Disgrace. These Fucks will not get on the air unless they vilify protesters because all the major “private” stations have been bought up by the big 3 Canuckistan networks and put under their umbrella. Remember Turdeau gave $600 Million in aid to the Big 3 as well as the State Broadcaster’s 1.4 Billion CBC & bought huge advertising from them.

    It was depressing hearing the radio as I was doing service calls today.

  3. Ezra Levant and Rebel News do yeomen’s work in introducing sunlight to all the lies and perfidies that have become the hallmark of the Trudeau government. I started listening to Rebel News years ago when they were the only Canadian news agency covering the absconding of the plush Hotels in Montreal and filling them with Muslim refugees at taxpayer expense.

    He was on the Megyn Kelly show yesterday;

  4. Toronto had their medical officer of Horse shit on today stating that we don’t want to open up too early, Blah Blah, Blah.

    Real Reason, The TRUCKERS ARE EFFECTIVE & They do not want to give them the Credit!

    They are now trying to blame shortages of cars on the Trucker Protest. I guess they make Automotive Electronics chips too now Eh!

  5. Rich Tayor,

    Re: Were putting them in Hotels.

    They still are. 500 Yards from the Downsview Hockey Arena That was converted onto A Vax Clinic for over a year.
    Wanna guess who was helping move people through the VAX clinics. (nice enough people though) They seemed to be Syrian Christians since I saw many wearing crosses.

    Cheers, Your one on the good ones sir.

  6. Remember that the Tea Party was ignored in 2009 and 2010 until the midterm elections were a rout. Then the vilification began because they realized the movement was taking hold and expanding exponentially.
    They can’t allow that to happen again so they reacted immediately against the Canadian patriots.

  7. CBC at 6:17Pm

    Blaming Trump for the Trucker Blockade at the Boarder.
    5 people, all look different & different sexes saying the exact same thing 24/7.

    Every Immigrant I work for wants LESS TAX & Their Children to get a good job & Education but it seems no one told the White Liberal Elites at the top.

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