State Police Clear Pipeline Protestors – IOTW Report

State Police Clear Pipeline Protestors

Protestors trespassing on private land to prevent the construction of the Dakota access pipeline were forcibly cleared yesterday by police.  No one was killed, though a women with an apparent deathwish did take three shots at the officers with a handgun.   114 were arrested and construction equipment and vehicles were destroyed by the squatters.


No word on whether mushmouth Rev. Jackson, or certified idiot Mark Ruffalo, were among those arrested, though both were out there the day before helping to stir things up.  Here

9 Comments on State Police Clear Pipeline Protestors

  1. This is just one of many recent warning shots. The left will lash out violently after Trump wins the election.

    Make sure you are well provisioned with food, water, ammo, and prescriptions before November 8.

  2. We prefer to be called Native Americans, or First Nations people!

    /As a possibly 1/64 Cherokee, if the rumors are true, I reserve the right to haughtily take offense when it’s convenient. Or entertaining. Or, you know, whatever. 😉

  3. My wife works for a large pipeline/petroleum transportation company. They recently put a stop to all new hiring because of that crap going on in South Dakota. Millions of dollars worth of their equipment has been destroyed by the leftist anarchists up there. The company literally stopped several job interviews minutes before they were to take place. Thanks, Obama!

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