Legalizing marijuana has negative impact on Medical Marijuana users – IOTW Report

Legalizing marijuana has negative impact on Medical Marijuana users

Oregonlive— When states legalize pot for all adults, long-standing medical marijuana programs take a big hit, in some cases losing more than half their registered patients in just a few years, according to a data analysis by The Associated Press.

Much of the decline comes from consumers who, ill or not, got medical cards in their states because it was the only way to buy marijuana legally and then discarded them when broader legalization arrived. But for people who truly rely on marijuana to control ailments such as nausea or cancer pain, the arrival of so-called recreational cannabis can mean fewer and more expensive options.


ht/ jd hasty

8 Comments on Legalizing marijuana has negative impact on Medical Marijuana users

  1. Having lived in the Denver area prior to legalization, there were more medical marijuana shops in Denver than coffee shops prior to legalization. I never understood why medical marijuana shops would have a guy with a sign that said 3 joints for $25 jumping up in down in front if it was truly for medical purposes. Everyone knew a Dr that you could go to and say back pain to get a card. Simply it wasn’t all medical and the most compelling reason to buy medical anymore is to save on taxes at least in CO where recreational is taxed at a higher rate.

  2. Medical marijuana was never about folks who really need marijuana for medical reasons; it was to get high legally. For every person getting medical marijuana for a genuine reason, there were 100 dopers getting baked. Pot heads are scum.

  3. Ivan the Pissed Off
    JUNE 12, 2019 AT 12:47 PM
    “I’ve heard people here in Orygone say that if they get a medical MJ card they can kiss their Concealed Carry Permit goodbye!”

    …its actually WORSE than that. You can kiss ALL your 2A rights goodbye.

    Pot is STILL a FEDERAL crime.

    The ATF form you fill out when you purchase EXPLICITLY asks you about “controlled substances”. Pot is a “controlled substance”.


    …no gun for YOU. And you’ll probably lose the ones you HAVE, when the Democrats get around to it, all nice and legal-like, because they TRAPPED you…

    “Barone Defense Firm 248-602-2799
    Excellence in
    Criminal Defense
    Can I Have a CPL and be a Medical or Recreational Marijuana User?
    Nov 28th, 2018 Gun Laws Marijuana Laws Can I Have a CPL and be a Medical or Recreational Marijuana User?
    No, according to Federal law, you are not allowed to both use medical or recreational marijuana and have a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL). This is due to a conflict in state and federal law.

    Michigan is not the only state facing this dilemma. For example, a man in Pennsylvania has filed a lawsuit seeking clarity regarding gun ownership rights. According to the HuffPost,

    A medical marijuana prescriber and patient is challenging President Donald Trump’s administration over a federal statute barring cannabis users from purchasing or owning firearms, even when they take the drug legally pursuant to state law.

    A similar lawsuit was filed in Nevada, and in that case the court ruled in favor of the government. It seems likely that this issue won’t be resolved until marijuana is made legal at the federal level, or at least removed from schedule one. The last time this came up the attorney general decided to keep marijuana on schedule one, so it may be some time before gun owners see this change.

    The problem arises because the 1986-gun control act states that any unlawful controlled substance user is also prohibited from owning or carrying a gun. Specifically, federal law currently prohibits the possession of a firearm by anyone that uses or is addicted to a controlled substance. Any time you attempt to purchase a gun, you will be required to complete form 4473, which also requires you to disclose your use of marijuana. It’s a Catch-22 because answering “yes” to the drug question on the 4473 will disqualify you from purchasing the firearm. This is because marijuana remains a scheduled one unlawful drug on both the state and federal drug statutes and as such it remains an unlawful controlled substance. This is true even though the recreational and medical and possession of marijuana is now completely legal in Michigan.”

  4. Loose lips sink ships. It’s so easy to get weed that it doesn’t matter if you have a medical card or not. Neither medically or for recreational users, they will still get loaded and be happy and content. What people do in their own homes is not my business. However, if they’re out in public getting loaded then it becomes my business. I see it all the time – toking it up in parking lots. It’s like walking into a liquor store. Tell them what you want, give them the money, and you’re good to go. Weed is more popular here than beer and wine.

  5. @Geeknerd June 12, 2019 at 12:55 pm

    > Legal or not, pot heads are lazy scum. I’ll fire any employee who comes to work high, or misses work getting high.

    Not if it’s to “treat” their mental “condition”. That their “doctor” insists is “real”. Not if you’re listening to your lawyer.

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