#Stats Matter – IOTW Report

#Stats Matter

Here is Ami Horowitz trying to reason with the complete losers who protest in the name of a false narrative.

Matters little.

These assholes have nothing going for them in life and are just latching onto a random cause. The misplaced anger makes it look like they are vitally important, when, deep down inside, they know they offer little to the world, and they are merely shouting at the moon because it beats cutting their wrists.

Not one of these choads were interested in hearing the real data on police shootings in terms of race.

ht/ c. steven tucker

25 Comments on #Stats Matter

  1. The only problem is… there are tens of millions of American voters who refuse to consider facts that counter their worldview.
    In fact that is the only real problem we face. If people were willing to consider information their voting decisions would radically change for the better.

  2. Related: If you make a comment on Quora about some inconvenient facts someone will come on and ask you for your source. In other words, if you don’ t have 20 sworn affidavits and a link to a news clip from CNN, it didn’t happen.

    Latest case for me was about how Democrats seemed to win a bunch of House races by recounts in 2018 while numbers did not change when Democrats won by similar margins in the original count.

    Funny thing is in the same thread I had commented earlier about the evidence of Trump-Russia collusion and other things. Leftists never seem to demand sources when that stuff is mentioned.

  3. Truth over facts…remember that! Those dipshits are never wrong and don’t have the ability to look up information. Geez Louise, there is no chance at all they could possible be wrong, is there? Is there?

  4. @BadB

    They also tore down a statue of Miguel Cervantes (author of Don Quixote) and Junipero Serra, who built the California missions.

    The only conclusion I can come up with: The rioters are working off intense hatred for white people. Any white person who has had a statue erected to honor his/her memory is likely to be torn down, except for Lenin, Marx, and a few others.

    These rioters/antifas are sick and cruel.

  5. The only thing I didn’t hear is I don’t feel safe. Their newest complaint.
    How come liberal gay men are fine using gay slurs to attack someone they disagree with? Telling him to go suck a penis. Are they admitting that might not be a good thing for a guy to do?

  6. TimBuktu

    They had several statues of Junipero Serra placed on hill sides on highway 280 from San Jose/Cupertino to SF. I grew up in Cupertino and those statues where quite impressive. But apparently Junipero Serra was mean to an Indian once so lets rip it down. Why they are allowed to do this is beyond me. Infuriating.

  7. They don’t have any need to hear the stats because they don’t give a shit about black lives. That’s a front just like the environment, feminism, animal rights and a million other beard-causes. The goal is destruction of all that exists.

  8. BLM Morons, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent responses, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this street is now dumber for having listened to it.

  9. the intolerance for a differing opinion by the blm morons is absurd.

    they all think Ami is the intolerant one in the conversation.

    if they don’t understand english maybe they will understand if you speak in lead.

  10. @BadB

    Why don’t the police do something to stop this…oh, police, nevermind…lets just move on…

    Police forces all over the country seem to be caving…maybe it’s not their fault.

  11. You can not educate a liberal. Remember what Joe Biden said, “We chose truth over facts”. For these nimrods, “truth” is what they “feel”.

  12. So shaun king supports his argument by saying when Jesus Christ’s family wanted to hide and blend in they went to Egypt, not Denmark. Hey shaun, you knucklehead, it’s because the trains to Denmark were all sold out and the flights cost too much. You have to explain everything to some people


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